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This calendar is based on Mac OS X Tiger's Dashboard calendar.

Please keep your translations up to date!

0.9.5 is a language release. dbKalendar now comes in a whopping 14 languages!

See the changelog

Dashboard skin:
To use other skins, unpack them in a directory of your choice and set the custom path in dbKalendar through the menu.

- Use one of the 9(!) skins delivered with dbKalendar
- Use additional skins you created or downloaded
- Medium ans Small view (and choose which one you want to start with, or remember where you left off)
- Start your week with Monday or Sunday
- Text shadows
- Comes in 14 different languages
- Quickly go to a different date you can enter yourself
- Show a random skin, with interval setting

- Let skins be even more configurable if possible
- Make the black weirdnes when expanding the calendar, disappear
- When animating, make the resizing of the skin run cleaner
- Find a better, free, font to replace Coolvetica. Coolvetica has a few weird things with some letters, like the "G". And a GPL'd font would be even better.
- Use PyGTK for a nice config dialog instead of multiple dialogs
- Make seasonal skins

==> If you know a better (more 'free' font) than Coolvetica (which is freeware), please tell me
Last changelog:

0.9.5 (language release)
- Czech translation added, thanks to Milan Uhrák
- Greek translation added, thanks to Panos
- Finnish translation added, thanks to Tommi Nieminen

Ratings & Comments



Have a problem with this applet. After some time, I don't no why but CPU is loading more & more. If I delete ~/.kde/share/config/.superkarambarc, ~/.superkaramba and reload applets then all is normal, but after restart problem returns. This going only if I use dbKalendar. What's the trouble, who`s know? Sorry for my English :)


Let me start by saying it's very pretty. But I can't quite figure out what the text bar is, the one that appears when I double-click the large date. I've visited a number of forums looking for more detailed instructions. (Yes, widgets should not need a LOT of documentation. I would be happy with just one more sentence!) It looks as though it wants to be a search bar or perhaps a way to enter an appointment, but once I type something into it, it just sits there no matter what date I have highlighted. It also took a few minutes to realize that I have to double-click the arrows to move forward and back; but that's only a very minor difference of opinion about how they should work. It's impressive to see that you've been supporting this for two years now; thank you.


Still listening? ;) Thanks for the comments. I'll be honest, haven't been doing anything about it for the passed year. Anyway, the text field you can put a date in and then quickly go there. You need to click the small arrow after entering a date (dd-mm-yyyy). The double clicking is because you haven't locked (right click -> Toggle Locked Position) the theme. If you do lock it, you will only need to click once. Works like that for all SuperKaramba themes.


Hi PARENA any idea why it doesn't show on my desktpo? I can move a transparent rectangle around but the calendar doesn't show. God bless Alvin


I have answered on the previous comments page: Hope that helps.


Sorry I had not scene that. I'm using 0.41 I unzipped it in /home/ka9qlq/.superkaramba/themes/dbKalendar that's the correct subdirectory right? Thanks God bless Alvin


No, don't unzip it, it doesn't work 100% like that. Just run dbKalendar.skz from SuperKaramba.


OK tried that, same result. I don't know what I'm doing wrong. Alvin


Well, I really don't know. As a last resort, you could try to delete ~/.superkaramba/dbKalendar.rc and ~/.superkaramba/skins so you have a clean profile. :/


Is there any plan on adding support for events that have a frequency? For example birthdays...


I don't know, really. I could have a look if the original author or one of the other editors have created a feature in the iCalReader class. Perhaps it's already possible.


Is there any way to resize the calendar. There is no way to see the letters on my computer, is very very small. The other point to fix is add next month on the same screen for planning over weeks.


I can't get ANY of the skins to show. I have dbkalendar in ~/.superkaramba/themes/dbkalender/ When I move it around I can see the box outline but nothing shows in the box an when I right click the menu shows configure greyed out. Ideas????? Thanks Alvin


And 0.6 doesn't show the calendar ether. Alvin


I don't know what the problem is. You are not running it unzipped, right? That's not supported anymore, really. And 0.6 must be run with SuperKaramba 0.36 (very old) for it to work.


Hi everybody! I wrote polish translation of dbKalendar and I don't know where to send it. (I don't know email of author)


Thanks for that, but I am releasing 0.9.3 right now and it already has a Polish translation :)


Yes, it makes sense you don't have problems with 0.6, because it doesn't have the features later versions have. Especially the iCal feature. That is probably the cause of the CPU usage.


I updated to handle iCal files hosted on http://. Implementation is basic (Read only, no authentication) but should work for most purposes, including viewing Google Calendar. I don't remember if it was in your or miloCalendar forum, but someone asked for that. So, poke around. Implementation is very simple..


hi, I am using version 0.8,and when i add my own theme to .superkaramba,skins, they are always overwritten is ther any way around this it does not work with external directory. I acn not get 0.92 to work. many thanks


1) Create a directory somewhere (for example: /data/dbkalendar_skins ) 2) Put you theme _directory_ in there. The structure should be something like this: /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/ /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bg.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bgbottom.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bgdayclicked.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bgdetail.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bgtoday.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/bgtop.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/browseleft.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/browsemiddle.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/browseright.png /data/dbkalendar_skins/myskin/divider.png 3) Select "Enter/Change custom skins path" from the dbKalendar menu, and set the path to /data/dbkalendar_skins 4) Now you can select "myskin" from the dbKalendar menu. It works, believe me, I'm using it myself. :) You're welcome to send your skin to me if there's still a problem and you want me to take a look. 0.9.2 should work, I have no problems and I've only heard of a few slight possible bugs.


For some testing to find the bug i mentioned above that dbKalendar is consuming my CPU, i tried to unzip the skz and running the .theme file, but getting the following error: Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gunni/themes/superkaramba/dbKalendar/", line 485, in widgetUpdated weekday = weekdays[showdayofweek] KeyError: 5 Call to widgetUpdated failed .skz Version runs. Can't dbKalendar run as unzipped version?


No, the last unzipped version was dbKalendar 0.6. You can read that on It was too much work to support both skz and an unzipped version.


I set the path to my ical-file (generated/edited by korganizer) and enabled the option "Use iCal file". But no event is displayed. What is going wrong? I got this error in konsole: Call to widgetUpdated failed Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/gruinelli/dbKalendar.skz/", line 497, in widgetUpdated TypeError: __init__() takes at most 2 arguments (3 given)


Hmm, there might be an error in passing your iCal path. Can you tell me what the path is?

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version 0.9.5
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