SysTach System Monitor - Re-write!

Karamba & Superkaramba

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SysTach System Monitor - new version! Now taking feature requests!

Complete re-write, now with 10% less rubbish.

The "tachometer" shows your CPU speed, and a few other things are shown below. Check the screenshot.

SysTach comes with 5 themes:

- Plain White
- Black
- Black Modern
- Black & Orange
- Electroluminescent Blue

If you don't have lm-sensors installed, this won't work. Well, it will, but gauges at the bottom will not display anything, so, in effect, it makes it cooler.

Detailed installation procedure:

1. Download the newly packaged SKZ file
2. Open in SuperKaramba
3. Grab a drink
4. Sit back, and enjoy

Coming soon:

* Sensor command line editing

Want a feature? See something broken? Comments ARE welcome.

Last changelog:


* Packaged in an SKZ file
* Working themes configuration dialog
* Path detection (SKZ vs. home folder)
* Complete re-write

* Added "Electroluminescent Green" and "Black / Orange" themes

* Fixed bug in "Black Modern" theme, background did not show up.

* Added "Black and Black Modern" theme.

* Initial release

Ratings & Comments



Ok, so i havent even downloaded this one yet (currently at work) and i can tell it rocks. Few suggestions, dont shoot me if they're already implemented (like i said, havent actually downloaded it yet, but will as soon as i get home) 1. How about creating a sister "speedometer" for net speed... the main "meter" could be up and down added together, for a combined throughput... and smaller "boxes" like on the tach could represent individual Up and Down, with possible options of multiple eth's or ra's 2. Another idea... release a "second" version or package in an alternat tach that focuses less on the overclocking info (most people dont really need to know or care much about thier voltage core) possibly through in other info 3. Last suggestion... pull the graph down a bit and widen it to look more like a standard "odometer" display, under the needle just my two cents :)


I'm not one to shoot/kill/maime folks, so that's out of the question :) Working on a "full dashboard" version currently. Not as in "here's a bloated blob of meters you can't fit anywhere on your desktop conveniently" type of thing, but like different guages to complement this one. Moving the meter sounds good, you'd only have to move it down in the .theme file, which should be easy, assuming you've extracted the skz. My apologies for letting this thing stagnate a bit, I've been coding sites all day for months :( Oh, and suggestions have been noted. Hope to have something upgraded soon for y'all.


I ran sensors-detect and it added # Chip drivers it87 to etc/modules: now what? tia


interesting, the volts/ and vcore are working after a fresh install of gutsy. What can I do to get the core temp working? I had speedfan in windoz and samurize.


Ah-k. When you run sensors, does it show your core temp? If so, what's the name of that label?


I have lm-sensors installed but none of the gauges at the bottom show anything. Any ideas?


You may not have the same sensors I do. Which ones are missing?


Wait, scratch that, all are missing. Have you run sensors-detect, or similar? Check the output of the sensors program to find out if it's picking everything up.


Hy, can you make the same with ethX ? i have a Gigabit Network and 1100K AOL-Line :) and i think so a clock for my network was very fine *bg* eehh.. cool one! *s* it's a crewl ..... ! greetings Blacky


Your wish is my command... or is it? I'll see what I can do :)


execute it ;) letz see how manny speed the net be.. it's more intresting and let more agressive speed to see *rofl* -=whrbomwomwomwooooaaahhhhhrrrrrrr=- *rofl*


humm... and one more.. heat of the Gpu and speed and one or more for Fans, it shold be enabling to take 2 Pictures, one who let see where it be and the other shold be the Tacho..eehhmm.. the app.. to creating customs Designs and shold be enabling to take a custom design.. and middle of it shold be a little window where be a heardbeadwindow of the last 5 or more secounds ;) Pease and manny pfun !! ;) Blacky


Wait, what?


I really like this, simple and to the point.


Hey this theme is great. But it seems there is a bug in the of black_modern style. The background doesn't appear, because, it specifies the wrong image name : themes = { "classicTheme" : [273,292,"tach_white.png","","","needle_black_modern.png"], } I changed to "tach_black_modern.png" ans it works :)


Ah... thanks for catching that :)


Fixed! New tarball uploaded. Also, 2 more themes.

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version 1.5 + Themes
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mediaviews 24h 0
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