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*** The configuration utility requires PyQT ***
Superkaramba >= 0.37 needed.

I wanted to make a theme that wouldn't take all my desktop and would allow me to see every information I could have with my previous Aero-G theme. Moreover I wanted it to be fully and easily configurable|customisable.
That's why I did Aero All In One!
You access to the piece of information you want in one click! Note that every page is unloaded when you load another one: cpu load is saved!

The configuration GUI allows you to install and load new plugins and to configure their options.

You can make new plugins, themes, and icon sets and put it in theme's directory or in "~/.aero_aio", they will be automatically detected!

Any comment/idea is welcome! Any piece of advice for my configuration utility (vocabulary or grammatical mistakes...) too.
Last changelog:

Release 0.9.1:
- re-added option to disable animation
- added an option to show free space instead of used space in partitions plugin
- added options to change text font (developpers should update their plugins)
- some global improvements

Release 0.9.0:
- completely updated configuration dialog and configuration update engine
- updated plugin fonctions, developpers should update their plugins (nevertheless 0.8e plugins are still compatible)
- compatibility with superkaramba 0.39 verified
+ repaired auto-switching

Release 0.8e:
- fixed Network plugin wireless bug
- improved some plugins
- added butons to add external themes and icon sets from configuration dialog
- fixed compatibility issues with .aiz plugins when trying to install them with configuration gui.

Release 0.8d:
- fixed a bug in config dialog, updated Cpu and Clock plugins thanks to kovidgoyal
- updated GMail script thanks to arthur-kalm
- added wireless strengh monitor to network plugin thanks to aln

Release 0.8c:
- Made a .skz package for superkaramba 0.37, theme can be loaded zipped or unzipped!
- Added a plugin installation function in configuration gui: it automatically installs a plugin zipped in a ".aiz" zip archive in $HOME/.aero_aio directory.
- I will update my plugins in next release and add themes and icon sets installation functions.
NOTE to plugin developers: format of "theme" and "icon"parameters has changed, it's now the string of the full path to directory (ex: "/home/user/mythemes/aerog/"). It will be in the next plugin template. I'm writing a plugin developement guide.

Release 0.8b:
- added an option for calendar to start week on sunday
- possibility to load more than 8 plugins: scroll icons using your mouse's wheel
- added a new theme: "Blue Panel"
- made a new plugin: Amarok controler, download it separately
- made a complete plugin template
- made many improvements in code

Release 0.8a: Please report any bug!
- Re-made the engine completely! Now you can make your own plugins (with their configuration GUI page!) and put it in the Aero-AIO directory. I will publish a plugin template as soon as possible!
- Improved configuration GUI
Rem: next version (0.9) will be a .skz package

Release 0.7:
- !!! Improved configuration saving system : you will lose your previous configuration with this version !!!
- Updated "CPU and memory" page: now it has a graph
- Updated network page: you can display total transfered data and external IP address by clicking on the text under the graph
- Added GMail support to Mail page!
- Corrected Calendar wich was updating every seconds and taking 30% cpu, now it is updated every 20 minutes
- added a new theme: Glass
- added button animation

Release 0.6:
- Many bug fixes: Mem and CPU page, Mail page
- Enable shadow option (but because it isn't built in superkaramba you can change its color only by editing the bgcolor in the ".theme" file)
- Auto-detect new themes and icons sets: just put your themes in the "Themes" and "icon" directories.
- Improved Calendar: you can change displayed month by using the next and previous buttons (left click: next/prev month, middle click: next/prev year). Just click again on the calendar icon to
go back to current month.
- Improved System Infos page
- Improved a little network page

Release 0.5:
- *** fixed calendar bug ***
- some improvements: icon positions, icon selection, redrawWidget on click on icons
- tried to improve the code to avoid freezes when configuring Mail

Release 0.4:
- improved Clock page: if you click on the "digital clock" (in text) it switches between 12h/24h display
- the CpuMem page is now more "failsafe"
- you can name your partitions!
- fixed the bug wich appeared on the end of this month in Calendar, I hope this won't lead to a new bug in June...

Release 0.3:
- added Auto-Switch support: you can enable it through the configuration utility and can stop in one click on the icon in the bottom/left corner
- added an Aero-G style theme (see first screenshot)

Release 0.2:
- added an option to select the "temperature" file for the cpu & mem page
- added 2 icon sets: "default_small" and "nuvola"

Release 0.1:
- 8 pages
- 1 theme ("default")
- 2 icon sets ("default", "grey")

Ratings & Comments



great work, almost perfect for me but it would be nice if this theme could remember the selection of the information i choose using more than one of these themes, when i restart the system all of my themes display the same information. Hiding the icons would be a nice option, btw i'm on kde 4.2


Hi AdrienV! Thanks for the best karamba-tool ever! But I have one problem. The Amarok-Plugin doesn't really work... The buttons like play and stop work well. But I don't see the actual track or cover. The output has no errors... My System is kubuntu 8.04...


if You have kde 4.x and amarok 1.x, then amarok plugin doesn't work well, but still work. If you update amarok to 2.x version you have to modify all the file, because the dcop commands must be replaced by qdbus commands. I'm working in this project in my free-time but I'm not an expert of python, nor other programming languages... I can just proceed by intuitions, and it's not so easy. My question is: what's the future of this great theme (and in particular of the amarok plugin) with kde4.x (and amarok 2.x)?


forgotten one thing: I've also modified the sysinfos_aio plugin to display the correct infos with kde 4.x (kde and qt versions). Bye


Hi, Installed as instructed including everything I could find of PyQT with the Synaptic Package Manager. Tried uninstall/reinstall - no difference. First message after loading with SuperKaramba is "No plugin found". I know it comes with several plugins so it is defying logic. Any help greatly appreciated.


Additionally, I cannot open "Configure theme"


Hi, this is really nice thing however on my computer it doesn't show Czech characters correctly (characters like ěščřžýáíé) which is annoying. Can anybody advice me what to do with this? I use opensuse 10.2 with KDE, all all in Czech. Thanks for any help...


Very nice work! Maybe I'm just not finding that option, as It's showed on screenshots but, is there any possibility to display all the plugins together?. Thanks


First let me say, kudos to the author for an excellent karamba theme. Everything works out of the box, the only minor problem I`m facing is in the different values of ram (memory) usage in areo plug-in. The correct number is shown in console (see the link below) while the plug-in is showing incorrect value the whole time. Here is the screenshot [img][/img] Any advice is highly appreciated. Regards, bandito


Nevermind, got my mind together now, sorry for false alarm. I was confused about cache - memory relations and the basic principles of memory management.


this looks amazing. good job, as soon as im done downloading karamba i will get this, thanks :)


I'll jump in with a feature request too, I guess. I'd like it if things were clickable; for instance, clicking on a partition graph could open Konqueror there, clicking on the memory/CPU display could open Ksysguard, etc. I have no idea how difficult this would be to implement, but it's a thought. Great work on this! Thanks a ton!


Hi, I really like this theme. Like most people, I have my own wishlist: 1) A weather plugin. This way I wouldn't need Liquid Weather anymore. LW uses more memory compared to other plugins (as shown by Aero AIO's ps plugin!). To make things worse I even had to install imagemagick just for LW! I don't really need all the visuals, I just want to monitor the weather; an Aero AIO plugin would be perfect for this. 2) The temperature monitor uses the BIOS temperature. I suggest that you also show the CPU temperatures for both cores. This can easily be retrieved on the command line by the 'sensors' command, so it should not be hard to include a front-end to this in AIO. Of course there's KSensors but I don't want another window to clutter my desktop. 3) It would be nice if you could add support for dual core. The CPU graph only shows one processor. 4) How about a sensor for fragmentation and other fsck output? 5) Finally, I would like a sensor for uptime!


Hi and thanx for this great theme ;) My 2 cents: i guess, in the mail plugin, that IMAPS is missing. regards,


It's a great theme, I use it even if dual core is not supported. In the next release can you do something for it?


hi, i just see that dual CPU is not supported. otherwise an interesting approach for karamba. greetings, damir


...that UTF-8 is not supported :/


I really like this theme, though there are some things that could be improved. Most things are already mentioned by MartyMcFly. I especially agree with his suggestions on the amarok theme, gmail improvement and making the calendar more useful. There are some other things i would like to report. First of all, in the configuration applet, i can't see any characters on the buttons. (for example the plugin load button) The button is just empty. Secondly, the mail plugin tells me i have 43 new emails, but that's the number of emails that are in my main inbox (i have sub inboxes too, where the theme doesn't search in) I didn't have any new emails. I'm using imap, xs4all is my provider and i'm using thunderbird as mail client (don't know if that matters) I really hope you keep improving aero aio theme, it's the best theme i've ever seen.


Dude, I really don't understand why this app is not better rated. It's great.


Congratulations, this is an excellent theme! I have some suggestions for it that you can take into consideration (I hope! :D) Some are pretty simple, some are like mini sub-projects. This is the list: - Click to open GMail: In the mail plugin, click on the account name to open a pre-configured browser (like firefox or konqueror) that logs into the GMail account. - Mail alert: let the mail plugin alert the user of incoming mails by popping up something (or playing a sound). - Weather plugin: not necesarily LW. I think a simple weather plugin will do, like the Amarok one does. - Amarok volume: allow to change its volume. - Amarok ff and rewind: clicking anywhere on the progress bar gets the song to that position. - Customizable titles: let the user change each plugin's title to show up un the UI (i.e. change "Infos" for "Information"). - Clock alarms: let the clock plugin alert (sound? popup?) the user at some configured time alarm(s). - Make the calendar really useful: you can create a mini "Rainlendar" (google it, it's a really useful desktop calendar, to remind you things on certain dates, like birthdays). Again, i really really like what you've done so far! This theme is awesome, and it still has great potential. Bye!


See Aero AI running at KDE4: :-)


Looks like a great theme. However when I try to run it, I get the following, can anyone help? <<08:31 PM ~/superkarambathemes/aero :> superkaramba aero_aio.theme sys.path.insert(0, '/home/user/superkarambathemes/aero/') Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 128, in <module> __globalimport__(plugin_dict) File "", line 110, in __globalimport__ exec f File "<string>", line 2, in <module> File "", line 32 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xb0' in file on line 32, but no encoding declared; see for details ------------------------------------------------------ What does ImportError mean? It means that I couldn't load a python add-on If this is a regular theme and doesn't use python extensions, then nothing is wrong. ------------------------------------------------------


Looks like a great theme. However when I try to run it, I get the following, can anyone help? <<08:31 PM ~/superkarambathemes/aero :> superkaramba aero_aio.theme sys.path.insert(0, '/home/user/superkarambathemes/aero/') Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 128, in <module> __globalimport__(plugin_dict) File "", line 110, in __globalimport__ exec f File "<string>", line 2, in <module> File "", line 32 SyntaxError: Non-ASCII character '\xb0' in file on line 32, but no encoding declared; see for details ------------------------------------------------------ What does ImportError mean? It means that I couldn't load a python add-on If this is a regular theme and doesn't use python extensions, then nothing is wrong. ------------------------------------------------------


My Aero-AIO wuill occasionally refuse to open the config window. I'm unsure what causes it, and otherwise it works great! I'd like help with this, especially because I love the theme.


I will be modifying your Amarok plugin to implement a rating and scoring system. If you're OK with it, I may make it public.

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version 0.9.1
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