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I'm releasing this because there's a serious lack of plasmoids for Amarok 2. My design goals were for it to be small without much wasted space, good looking, and have an emphasis on the artwork.

For the best results, please install the recommended fonts. Otherwise, it defaults to Freesans, which isn't that great looking.


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Buttons doesn't work, running Amarok 2.3.0


Try as I may, the download links for the theme with time display and the font only get me to the filedropper start page. Is it just me? (normal theme looks great though)


PS: In the source code in amarok.theme there is a nifty option showing/hiding the main window when you click the album cover, which has been commented out. It can be enabled by uncommenting and replacing 'path' with 'onclick'. (applies to the version without time display - which, by the way, even displays time if you uncomment the 'Current time' section)


Nope, not just you. Me too. Looks like they have been deleted if they were ever uploaded.


I found the problem with missing covers is the ones that have spaces on the file name, ie: $ qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | grep arturl arturl: file:///mnt/storage/sdd/mp3/iTunes%20Music/Amanda%20Palmer/small_cover.jpg And then when we use "convert" to make it in /tmp/img.png it failes to read the file. So the fix is: $ cat #!/bin/sh if [ `qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | grep arturl | cut -d : -f 2` ]; then convert "`qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata |grep arturl | cut -d : -f 3 | cut -c 3- | sed "s/%20/ /g"`" -resize 157x157! /tmp/img.png echo /tmp/img.png else if [ `qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | grep lastfm | cut -d : -f 2` ]; then echo image/lastfm.png fi fi Change line 18 in amarok.theme to: image x=30 y=14 sensor=program program="sh $HOME/.superkaramba/amarok2-simple/" interval=5000 What i cant make work are the buttons, i am using compiz-fusion and kde4 if anybody has a suggestion.


Forgot to mention the file must be in $HOME/.superkaramba/amarok2-simple/


Some covers don't show up despite them showing up inside of Amarok 2. I have a few examples that in my amarok they show (when I scroll over the icon it shows the right cover) but it shows the default "missing cover" in this script. Otherwise, it's a great addition to my desktop :)


In screenshot I have amarok and karamba theme. Amarok playing music from LastFm and shows the right cover. Karamba show the wrong cover.


That's deliberate. As far as I can see, Amarok doesn't make that cover available to outside applications. I don't think it even ever gets written to disk. So the option was, display no cover at all when is playing or display a generic cover. I chose the latter. If someone has a way around that, I would love to hear it.


In amaroK 1.x the cover for streams is: ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/lastfm_image.png Don't know if it's the same for amaroK 2, not using that version yet. Check if the cover is located there, regards.


Thank you very much for the suggestion, but it appears that Amarok 2 doesn't save the cover there. It's almost as if the developers went out of their way to make it extra difficult for external applications to interact with it. :(


I found small bug, it is in this screen:


I'm not sure what you're referring to. Could you be more specific?


Thank you for this Karamba-Plasmoid ;) ...great Look with the selected Fonts. Can you please add some time-information (total and remaining time and/or a %-Bar) ? I'm using Kubuntu Intrepid Ibex with Amarok-KDE4 1.9.4 (KDE 4.1.3) and there's no cover shown (neither in Amarok nor in your Plasmoid, but JuK shows all covers correctly). I think it's a problem with Amarok, not with your Plasmoid, but do you know a solution or do I have to wait for the next version of Amarok ?


Thanks. I've uploaded another version that shows the time. As far as Amarok not showing covers. Perhaps you don't have covers associated with your music? Try running this command and posting the output: qdbus org.kde.amarok /Player GetMetadata | grep arturl


Thousand thanks for the fast response - now it looks like I wished. The output of the qdbus-command is empty ('arturl:') but the other metadata-strings are OK. I normally add covers to my mp3s with Kid3 - and Amarok 1.4.10 shows them without problems. Do I have to associate the covers in Amarok 2 in another way ( (local) url) ? Can you tell me how to do that ?


I'm not sure how Amarok 2 handles embedded cover art. You could try turning on the option, "Automatically retrieve cover art" under settings. It's generally pretty good at fetching the right cover.


Thanks again, now everything's working fine ! I think Amarok 2 can handle embedded covers, but you need to build up a musiccollection. I was too lazy to do that, just wanted to listen to some tracks... Btw: just downloaded a new version of Amarok (1.98) and maybe something's getting easier - or I must not be so stupid ;)


Secont link (Droid sans) doesn't work: "Direct linking to downloads is not permitted". But in fact, your plasmoid looks pretty. When I switch to Amarok 2 (is there any reason to do it now? I ask seriously), I'll surely try it out.


Thanks for the heads up. I've fixed the link. As far as Amarok 2 goes, there's really no compelling reason at the moment to switch to it that outweighs the downsides. Sure, it has some cool features, but it's surprisingly buggy and feature lacking for being a 3rd beta with talks of a release candidate soon. I just got tired of Amarok being pretty much the only QT 3 application that I still use on a regular basis. It sticks out like a sore thumb, doesn't load icons unless you're using Oxygen and doesn't change colors when you change them in System Settings. I guess what I'm trying to say is they're both a pain in the butt at the moment.


Thanks for exhaustive answer :) So I'm waiting for stable Amarok 2.


Nice job even though skz isn't a plasmoid it is a karamba theme what i really like about it is that it actually works


if this is a plasmoid, it is packaged incorrectly. it is packaged with the superkaramba file extension. (.skz)


The file extension is fine. Plasma has the ability to run super karamba themes as plasmoids.

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