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Ratings & Comments
I'm loving this, but for optimal sexiness I'd like to know what font is being used in the screenshot.
LarabieFont, I think. http://www.getfreefonts.info/free_font.larabiefont.html
I like your theme, but how can I move the fields (session, system menu and datetime) a bit to the left? I ask because the date/time are halfway out of my screen. Thanks
what resolution do you have?
Good question, I never bothered to check this. I have a: 1024*768 resolution. I tried to make it better but I cannot. My monitor hardware (AOpen) is not recognized by linux. To bad, because this is a 19" LCD screen.
ok my monitor doesn't support this resolution so you have to extract KdmLinux.tar.gz on desktop, enter to directory KdmLinux and then open LinuxDesktop.xml with kwrite. Now you can try to change in section "icons and text in bottom bar" x and y position. Save and compress again with tar.gz Sorry for my english!!
Thanks, I will try this. :-)
Had the same problem with 1024x768 resolution - changing x postion from 68 to 55 in section "clock" in the xml-file solved the problem. the theme is really cool!
Looks Nice Thanks Good Work Thanks, Mena