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KDM Login Theme - Clean

I wanted to create a clean theme that was attractive and simple, almost a kind of 'default install' theme. There are three colours in the archive and varying sreen sizes, Enjoy

... Oh, and don't forget to vote good if you like it

If people do like it I will find some more backgrounds and there's a bit of cleaning up to be done here and there. Massive thanks to all the original artists

Thank you,


*Credits must go to:
Andrew Enyart for the original 'Swirl' SVG.
Hugo Alves Lobo for his 'Infinity' theme that I used as a starting base.
Eugene T for the original 'Drops on a blade' SVG.
Spencer Cutting for the original 'Coffee' SVG.
The 'Oxygen' team for the two icons.

And a HUGE thank you to Tristan Ferroir for hosting this theme on his website

Installation instructions

(Optional) Install the 'DejaVu' font set. I was going to include the fonts but wasn't sure of the License.

1. Download the 'Clean' KDM theme
2. Extract the archive and copy the separate folders to '/usr/kde/YOURVERSION/share/apps/kdm/themes'
3. Edit your '/usr/kde/3.5/share/config/kdm/kdmrc' file so it contains the line 'UseTheme=true' then state the theme you would like to use with the line 'Theme=/usr/kde/3.5/share/apps/kdm/themes/Clean_Toffee' for example.

That's it! You can, if you like...

4. Make sure you are using the most appropriate image size by editing the fifth line in the 'KDEmod-kdm-userlist.xml' file. Each theme folder has this file and a selection of images

5. Set the login background to be the same as the KDM theme background so it doesn't change to many time during logging on. Go to the KDE Control Center > System Administration > Login Manager, click 'Administrator Mode' and set the Background to the same one you set in your 'KDEmod-kdm-userlist.xml' file.

6. Change the default user login icon. In each theme folder there are some choices, rename the one you want to use 'default1.png' and copy it over the one in your '/usr/kde/3.5/share/apps/kdm/pics/users' folder.
Last changelog:

Version 1.0 - A new creation!

Ratings & Comments



hy there, if you like, send me the file and will send you a public link to publish it again. thanks :)


All the links to this package seem to be offline or unavailable. Is there somewhere else to get this file?


i really like this, but i use gdm. :(


It's really awesome, but it's quite annoying having to visit a site to download it. If you want, I can host it for you with direct download. If you are interested, send me an e-mail to luca AT tuttoeniente DOT net


I am currently using the kdm from kde 4.1 RC1. I have set it to Clean_Swirl, and when I start kdm, I get a message Theme not usable with authentication method 'username + Password (classic)' Then I get the Clean_Swirl background image and the overlay with the semi-transparent box, but nothing else, except a Username and Password entry at the top left corner.


Unfortunately I don't think KDE 4's version of KDM is backwards compatible.


Thanks for mention me on the credits (hugo alves lobo) xD


No problem :) I love the simplicity and clarity or your original design, suppose we have the Fedora team to thank too, but that's what's so great about open source!


I love this. It looks and behaves well. I would like a little help though. I'm using your Clean_Swirl theme and I want to use the Lineart.svgz graphic in place of your Clean_Swirl.png and I'm not getting it to work! I've already tried replacing your Clean_Swirl.png file in the .xml file with the Lineart.svgz and that doesn't work.


Hia :) glad you like it. The simplest way would be for you to convert your .svg to a .png then what you have suggested already should work.


Best - login theme - EVER! Please make me a purple one artistic genius! ^_^


It does indeed look very pretty :) One might suggest you remove some of the borders, specifically the three edges around username, password and the userlist. As you've likely noticed, the move towards removing lines in KDE is proceeding at pace, and well... just a hint, really :)


Cheers, I had originally thought it would be best if I could remove the white boxes but what you suggest maybe what it needs... I'll have a play soon!


In my opinion, I think this theme should be the default for KDE 4.1 , the screenshots look sweet, and definatly have that Oxygen/ KDE 4 feel . The current trunk kdm default is unthemed , it looks just like KDM 3.5x, except the fonts on the buttons (butt ugly, and at least they could have used the new K icon (the kmenu icon) as the K icon in KDM , but its still the same old 3.5x icon) .


Cheers, glad you like it :) It would be good to have some attractive, 'generic' themes bundled with KDM. It would give people the option to choose between them and the distro specific ones. There are situations where no 'advertising' on the login screen is better. So how do we put it forward?


i can't seem to get a good download, gunzip and tar and ark all complain when i try to open it. Any chance of it being hosted somewhere else?


Really sorry about that, the place I normally upload my files to is down for a bit. As soon as it's up I'll put another link to it. If you want to message me your email I'll gladly mail it to you.


Good indeed! Waiting for working mirror (-:E

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version 1.0
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mediaviews 24h 0
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