applications-KIO slave
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Ratings & Comments
I don't mean to advertise but have you tried KMess ? It is much more intuitive and out of the box then Kopete is. If you want KDE4 style download 2.0 alpha2, it is in better condition than many final releases so you won't have any trouble.
Thanks for pointing it out. I didn't know (or rather hadn't thought about it) that KMess is actively developed (it had seemed quite halted in the past) and gets ported to KDE4. Just tried it and it seems pretty nice indeed :)
If I want login to icq, jabber and gadu-gadu same time?
I made a feature request for that a few years ago, but noone has answered it :)
You are correct, the current kopete login window is too complex for short-time users. Like who like to visit on your place and check the MSN. The should be a more easier way to get a "Guest mode". Mayby a press a button and it would lock out the current user (if logged) and ask information. It would not store such things at all (no questions etc). Your mockup is nice but littlebit too Windows MSN Live kind. But it is hard to make something what would ask only a username, password and protocoll, in a different way.
I asked about Guest mode for Kopete some time ago, and they (can't remember who :P) said that it's coming.