..some more thoughts:
The red waves icon is cool because it symbolizes both our mascot (the wolf), and the action of sending soundwaves (howling). This is a truly great concept.
The moon icon on the other hand just symbolizes a howling wolf, but there is no relation to media playing.
This is why I think the red waves are better.
Looks great! But I think I like the original concept with the red semi-circles best, if it could be combined with the new version of the wolf (higher contrast).
Ratings & Comments
I like it. Perhaps you could make it a bit more like the current amaroK splash. A darker wolf and a orange moon e.g.
Divine! I think I'll use it for Midnight Commander :)
..some more thoughts: The red waves icon is cool because it symbolizes both our mascot (the wolf), and the action of sending soundwaves (howling). This is a truly great concept. The moon icon on the other hand just symbolizes a howling wolf, but there is no relation to media playing. This is why I think the red waves are better.
I agree.
Looks great! But I think I like the original concept with the red semi-circles best, if it could be combined with the new version of the wolf (higher contrast).