hi this is my first icon and i'm working with inkscape only for a few days.
>> suggestions are welcome and i hope you like the idea

Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
v0.5: presumably the final version. made 3 other color themes. and sharped the small icons better.
v0.4-r1: i scaled and sharped the small icons new.
v 0.4: i redesigned the wolf and hope it's no more wormlike as in the last versions new banner style...
v 0.3: the wolf is bigger and i hope more in focus. i know the wolf doesn't scale down well and i'm working on it
v 0.2: a bit more crystal and the wolf is now colored. there is also a banner with the different iconsizes.
Ratings & Comments
Wow, so professional looking. I want to download but am still wondering which colour to use. By the way what tools do you use? Open-source?
i used inkscape for the svg grafics and gimp for the pixelgrafics. so everything is opensource ;) PS: i learned inkscape for this icon-contest and it's realy great...
it uses simpler colours, which is a good thing. Nice use of the lighter color bubles!! 9/10
V0.4 looks already much better than the previous versions :)
I love the wolf pose but I think the author has it backwards. I think the wolf--which is really the nicest part of the icon--needs to be the focus, not the speaker. I think if the wolf had more detail and their roles (speaker and the wolf) were reversed, it would make for a better submission. Aside from some polish, its a really great job and as I said, I love the pose of the wolf. I must also reiterate what some of the comments have said already, the wolf doesnt not scale down well. Great job in the end :)
The wolf looks like a worm when 32x32, 22x22 & 16x16. That's not a good solution.
This takes my vote... if i had one. I even registered here at kde-look.org just to comment on your icon!
This gives amarok a DJ look, that's cool. Try to export 22x22 pngs (and other sizes, as requested in the news) because i think you will have to modify your design a bit to keep the details for small sizes. anyway, cool to see new ideas coming !
Yes if it is a record with a wolf motif on the side, then I love the concepts. I adore the yellow + black as it is simple and distictive. Please refine this :)
What I like best about this one is it has all the hallmarks of a really good icon. Simple colours and basic shapes, but with a very distinctive appearance. Keep working on this!