Ubuntu Poster
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Ratings & Comments
You silly people, of course is fake, the pc is 30 years old, and his pic is very updated. An besides, linux is good, but you always need windows to play those cool videogames don't you???
WINE. I had better compatibility in WINE with games then I did with windows XP, because where windows XP crashed when it didn't detect the appropriate 3D graphics card (the fact that I don't have it would explain that), WINE still ran the game (though I couldn't see anything because most of it was in 3D) and I could still quit and carry on using the PC. Linux can do ANYTHING (with a bit of tinkering)!
It's amazing how people lie themselves.
Check out a application called Cedega! Just a thought.
it's a fake; look at his head, it's pasted from another photo
its not gates ... its some old dude playing gates for money , and linux fanboys hire him , and laugh , hahaha , . ------------- though i like linux , windows has his prouds to .
He looks quite old, almost nowadays. The pc running linux seems not.
It's true IMHO
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