tango extras (many icons for tango)

Icon Sub-Sets

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** Hello,

Tango icons are the best but still there are some unfinished things in Tango project so i collected icons from internet to improve this set of icons. They are sorted in 4 archives:
-tango-extras - mimetype icons (32x326 48x4 that i created in Gimp
-tango-custom-addon - icons from many Tango alike icons (gnome-brave, gnome, tango unabashed...). I use Zenwalk so there are icons that can be fully used in this distro (but i tried it in Ubuntu and it worked).
-tango-da-extras - icons from DeviantArt.com (there is a lot o Tango icons but i gathered some of the most important)
-tango-pixmaps - Tango pixmap icons for terminals, gcmd (i added many extra icons), wicd (there was many problems but in the end i created them too), gnome-ppp...

** Please notice:
i did not include all license files for every single icon! I writed in txt files all sources of this gathered icons so please reffer to google and to main sites of every project (in most cases there are direct links in my readme files but still if there is no link for some set use google please).

** Installation
1. Extract all archives (except tango-pixmaps.tar.bz2) in /usr/share/icons/Tango
2. Start scripts (there are description of scripts in README files and there is order in witch you will have to use scripts)
3. Enjoy
Last changelog:

Icons are optimized for xfce. So at the moment there are mostly 16x16 apps for many icons. I will have to find out what icons are used in Gnome menus so i can add them. 32x32 icons are under way and svg icons are added. At the moment this set covers almost whole zenwalk system (netpkg is not tested yet). Licenses still aplly but there is one small thing to mention:

tango-custom-addon.tar.bz2 should be extracted to /usr/share/icons/hicolor ! You will change most icons there and that way you can see more tango icons.

New stuff:
- gtk directories (16x16 at the moment)
- exaile icons (partially edited)
- a few new icons from deviantart.com
- xfce logout icons (restart, shut down, hibernate, suspend...)
- more icons for apps (16x16)
- icedowe and iceweasel icons (not some branded stuff. I used plain tango icons for mail and web browser)

- find out gnome menu icon size
- add more 32x32 icons and svg as well
- add netpkg icons
- add more app icons (i will not use sym links since i have bad expiriences with it)
- find out what icons are used in xfce task list so i can change them to be 16x16 (at the moment task list uses icons larger than 16x16 so there is blur).
- download rodent icons so i can use them as reference for my work
- download latest gnome icons so i can use them for my reference
- create 16x16 mimetypes (for gtk dialogs)

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1 Comment


I just tried the downloads and they no longer work.

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