Description: Six different icons based on the NuoveXT Icon-Theme to use for your music-, graphics, photo-, stuff- and downloads-folder in e.g. Nautilus. 'Tausend Dank' to saki for providing such a great Icon-Theme.
Could you add few more icons for gnome : videos , templates , user folder , public and ome for PDF files if possible .
Still using this theme in Karmic but would really like to have comlete set again .
Thank you for your work !
Ratings & Comments
Could you add few more icons for gnome : videos , templates , user folder , public and ome for PDF files if possible . Still using this theme in Karmic but would really like to have comlete set again . Thank you for your work !
That tape is a throwback. I cant even remember the last time i used a tape.
I cant even remember the last time i used a RL folder ;)