Gajim Ubuntu Iconset
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6 Comments That's the icon I use for my set, Mashup.
You guys are kidding me right?.... Sorry but the GIMP name and it's mascot Wilbur are synonymous to GIMP and I happen to adore them both. I doubt they will be changed too soon just because a few people dislike them. To each their own I guess ;-) PS: The paint palette icon is ok but GIMP isn't a paint application. It's far far more than that!... Hence your interpretation of GIMP is obviously different to mine.
The wilbur icon is ok but GIMP isn't a dog application. It's far far more than that!... Hence your interpretation of GIMP is obviously different to mine.
Wait, I just realized Gimp isn't a dog application at all. Doh!
Nice icon! I think this icon makes a lot more sense than some crazy animal head. A tip to the GIMP folks: change the name and the icon. No one wants to use software called The GIMP. No one cares what the acronym stands for. The icon and their mascot, Wilbur, does not make any sense when trying to recognize the program. Evolution has a mail icon. The GNOME Text Editor has a notepad for an icon. The icons are recognizable. A crazy animal head makes no sense whatsoever. Sorry if my rant is in the wrong place, but I felt this need to be said. Again, awesome icon. You should show this to the GIMP developers. NOTE: I always use The GIMP and it is my favorite image editor.
Thanks for the comment. I've always felt the same way about the Gimp. It's the premier open source image editing program and many people create quality work with it. You would think some of that would find its way into the branding. The website's not even something that I would call pleasing to the eyes. I guess that's what happens when you let developers do the marketing.