Gaim nuoveXT-1.6 icon set
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
07/30/2006: Update wireless icon (rotate 90 CCW).
Add Gaim default theme
Delete duplicate link
Update DND, extended_away, extendedaway, and wireless icons
Delete README file and repackage files. For more detail please visit my link. Thx..
I made mistake at README file. It should be :
How to use:
- extract gaim-nuoveXT-1.6.tar.gz or gaim-nuoveXT-1.6-alt.tar.gz to /usr/share/pixmaps/
Sorry for my mistake
update link location
My first public release
Ratings & Comments
Glad You like it Have a nice day
nice theme, where can i get engage and how i can install it??
Thx for your comment. You can get engage from http://enlightenment.sourceforge.net/. You can visit my little tutorial about howto installing engage on ubuntu from http://supriyadisw.net/2006/04/07/engage-on-my-ubuntu-dapper-drake/ Good luck...
ok, but i'm using the unstable of debian (sid)... it's the same or only for ubuntu breezy??
I think it's OK. Correct me if I wrong Please check this http://shadoi.soulmachine.net/2006/05/new-debianubuntu-repository.html#comments Good Luck... :)
Edit My link to http://www.supriyadisw.net/2006/04/engage-on-dapper-drake Thanks and Gud lak
Looks fine, but the Do-not-disturb contact icon in the first set looks... strange.
The goes 404 could you provide a fixed link? Also the font article on your blog is great. Thanks for the work. One thing though, you should chnage the copy command to Fonts/* instead of Fonts/*.ttf & FOnts/*.TTF
Great Icon Theme! Apart from that, I must say that your fonts in the screenshot look just awesome! Can you please detail your font configuration? (Which font, hinting settings, dpi, which distro, etc.) Thanks
I use Mac Fonts. For my font configuration please visit http://supriyadisw.net/2006/04/27/mac-fonts-on-dapper-drake/ . Thank a lot.
Thanks for the great tut man!
Very good gaim theme ! What is your gnome icon theme ? it looks great too !
Thank You. I use OSX (by Kiddo) for GNOME icon theme.
nice, but in your screenshot, whats that panel in the bottom, and is that a real working analo clock? what is it?
Thank for your comment. That panel is engage. The analog clock is expedition.edj. This is come from engage too. You should see their site (http://www1.get-e.org/EFL_User_Guide/English/_pages/3.4.html) to know how to install it. Good luck...
Set looks very nice. Thank you!