Hammergom is the author: all thanks go to him.
I made absolutely nothing except trying to port this to Gnome.
I hope I made no license infringment by uploading this: if it's so I'm sorry, notify me and I will delete the submission.
It's not perfect: still needs some polishing here and there...
Please vote if you like

Ratings & Comments
Thank you so much for porting this. This is my favorite set of icons.
Yeah, I use this icons on KDE and they rocks! Thanks for port them to Gnome
fabulous! they're the best icons I've ever seen :)
Glad you like it! :)
Well, I'm getting desperated. I'm trying to install this Theme for around 2 to 3 hours but it won't work. I tried to Drag & Drop it, Rename it, Unpack and Repack it... but it seems like I'm not able to use this Theme. And every hint I find tells the same thing. Either I don't find the rights words for my problem or Google just find the wrong Topics. I already start thinking that I can't use it anyway. =/ Are there any spcial requirements? I would be really pleased with your advices.
Try this: Upen the tarball with an archive manager and extract the folder inside in /home/yourname/.icons Then you should be able to access the icon theme from your Gnome Control Center.
Is that project Looking Glass?
Don't know, the screenshot is not mine. I'll make a screenshot of my own desktop as soon as I'll submit a more refined version of the icon theme: for now the shot is just intended to give the idea of what the theme is like. Anyway, Sun's Looking Glass is a desktop environment, not just an application: the desktop shown here is KDE, so it can't be LG. That's just a customized dock (maybe AWN?).
what bar are you using on the bottom?
I unpacked the tarball, and wound up with a single large file. Am I doing something stupid? :/
Rename it to Aqua_Project_for_Gnome_by_Eeitam.tar.bz2
You don't need to unpack the tarball: Just open Gnome Control Center, select "Theme" and click on "Install Theme", or just drag the file and release it over the window. ;)
no where it says koncuer, location ect... that looks like mac, cool
Ah, yes. That's not my desktop: that screenshot is from Hammergom too. I was too lazy to make one myself :P
oh ok
the screenshot is still linux, although its KDE.
how did you get all those menus on the top panel
Uh? I don't know... :D I just replaced one by one all the icons from this theme: http://www.gnome-look.org/content/show.php/buuf+icon+theme?content=44539 with the ones from: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Aqua_Project?content=55120 ... And finally I tried to correct some little inconsistencies by studying other "perfect" themes (i.e. Human from Ubuntu, Industrial from OpenSuSE and raw Tango), but essentially the file hierarchy is 90% the same as Buuf icon theme by Fana-m. :)
I'm glad you like it :-) I have no problem with a port. Please credit the artists, myself included and a screenshot in your Gnome would let others know how it will look. That was simply a request...you don't have to do anything if you don't want to. You have my blessing...lol. Anything to help Linux look good is good ...my friend
Thank you! :)