Blended Crystal
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This is primarily a compilation of several themes. Please see the readme.txt file for full information.
Please email me directly with any inquiries regarding this theme. I am currently not able to reply to PM's.
Lite version does not include any icons over 48x48.
Mirror 1 is on rapidshare.
1. The exe mimetype icon only appears after the exe file has been clicked on.
2. When using the create archive context menu the ar and ear mimetype icons do not show up.
3. The ear and ar icons are the same as the zip mimetype icon.
4. In the places/recent documents menu the jar mimetype icon does not appear.
5. The icon for the terminal in the window list is still the old gnome icon.
6. Icons do not show up in OO.o. I attempted to address this in v2.2.
Bugs 1 and 3 are most likely caused by selinux file analysis.
Version 2.0, and higher, will not display correctly in gnome versions prior to 2.2.
Version 1.2.3 will not display correctly in gnome 2.2 or later.
2.2 I am attempting to make this a totally stand alone theme. Many icons from a default gnome icon theme have been incorporated as a result. These will be replaced as appropriate, and when I have time. Did new renders of several of my own icons to better match current theming. Media icons now appear to work properly.
2.1.1 Did some linking for OO.o icons to make them more *buntu friendly. Bit more linking to add an evolution icon. Fixed minor problem with the index.theme for the lite version. Added f-spot icon. Cleaned up unnecessary icons in lite version.
2.1 Added clamav, amule, and network icons. Added additional game categories. Total addition of 15 new icons and one animation sequence.
2.0 The most notable change is the integration of the dark glass kde theme into blended crystal. Adaptations for gnome 2.2, specifically the emblems. I also put back the cvs emblems from gnome, as they seem to be missing in several distros!? Various minor refinements to my own icons. Added emerald icon. Removed flag emblem. Added flag-red, flag-yellow, and flag-green emblems.
1.2.3 Added Kommander, Sunbird, Timidity, Moto4lin, and Appollon icons. Minor tweaks to a few other icons. I also located and added proper credit information for the thunderbird icon. Please note that sunbird is not packaged for Fedora, my current operating system, so I had to guess on the correct name for the icon.
1.2.2 Added Opera, pidgin, and several game icons. Attempted to make the theme more debian friendly. Tweaked several emblems, added a couple more.
1.2.1 On request added synaptic and gftp icons. Some extremely minor tweaking to OO.o icons. If you have the 1.2 and don't really care about gftp or synaptic don't bother downloading the 1.2.1
1.2 Replaced OO.o icons, again. Changed font for compressed mimetypes for readability. Changed and added several emblems. Replaced several of my originals with icons that do not suck. Many other changes to numerous to list.
1.1 Adjusted many of the existing icons for visibility. Replaced OO.o program and mimetype icons, added several image mimeypes, replaced computer icon, stop icon, calculator icon, display icon, login icon, authentication icon, fedora logo icon, screen resolution icon, planner icon, keyboard icon, background icon, screensaver icon, gnome-system icon, and server icons.
1.02 added a few mimetypes. Replaced up and down arrows. Replaced refresh icon. Implemented different icons for different types of network servers. Added links to reduce file size and improve functionality. Corrected ogg mimetype bug.
Ratings & Comments
It is an icon that it is very beautiful and the sense is good. I will use it welcome.
Hi leadgolem: I love your icons too. Have them successfully installed. I just have this question: which metacity-theme is suggested for these nice icons? Looking forward to your message Geetings Karmicbastler
I never saw it before, it's 2 years old but I found it only this morning :-( I love it! Thank you.
I updated the primary download links for the 2.2 and 2.2 lite version. They now actually work.
I rly like it, nice colors, cools style (; thanks! :p
I really love this icons set, i used this in my opensolaris laptop, but i need to use the original opensolaris menubar icon (opensolaris logo), i have replace all start-here.png in ~myhome/.icon/blendedcrystal-full but it doesn't work, can u help me how? sorry for my bad english many thanks!
Is right if you add in the description the pack that you have used for the set, like OS-K, Dark-Glass and standard gnome and just add the source in the download section, like to the GPL requirement. And..yea a good 2d job over the 3d icons ^_^
The readme.txt file contains all of that.
hi lead, if you need, i have updated many icons of my set in kde-look and you can find some new in the source tar 256x256.
I think you icons are a piece of art.I like them very nice,just have a look on my page and see how i am using them http://flycharlles.deviantart.com/
Neat. Though in all fairness, very few of the icons in the set are my originals.
navneeth: I'll change it in the next version. Shashwat: I need a bit more information to fix that problem. If you could drag "about ubuntu" to your desktop, open a text editor, and open the "about ubuntu" .desktop file. Then post the icon= line I might be able to fix this. If however, that .desktop uses the the generic "distributor-logo" for it's icon, there isn't much I can do about it. Not without making things look weird on most other distro's. As far as the buttons in OO.o not showing up, I'm not sure what to do about that. Give me some time. Thank you for the complements people.:)
Thanks for the fix.
Did this actually fix the OO.o issue? I was never able to replicate your problem.
Let me first tell you that this is a favourite icon theme of mine and it is what I've been using for many weeks (could be months) now. And I also like what you've done with version 2. [nitpick] I just noticed that the emblem for Python is actually a cobra with a raised hood. I would prefer if it were another cute critter from the pythonidae family, like the one on the icon of python(.py) files. :-) [/nitpick] Keep up the good work.
Few more errors :) See please change either Gnome or Ubuntu Icon both are same :) And while using your theme none of icon of 2'nd toolbar is visible. .. Open Office problem : http://www.imgx.org/pfiles/3445/Screenshot-2.png Same Icons : - http://www.imgx.org/pfiles/3444/Screenshot-1.png Also i have added you icon in my latest guide http://tuxenclave.wordpress.com/2007/11/23/ubuntu-customization-guide-v2/
Someone asked me what license some of my icons where under. As this was via a pm and I cannot respond to pm's, here you go. OO.o icons are from the OS-K set. According to the OS-K license, they are gpl. You can find OS-K on kde-look.org For evolution and fspot, I did not explicitly include icons for either app. If you could send me a link to a screenshot with these apps in it, so I can see which image is used, then maybe I can answer the question. Either email me, or reply here.
Network Icon has not been changed please fix this :D Regards http://www.imgx.org/pfiles/3425/Screenshot-3.png
The url you posted probably works fine for you. However, I'm betting that you are logged in to that site. When I enter it in my browser I get a mysql error. Using wget to retrieve the file, I see the network monitor applet icon. I'm not sure, but I don't think it is actually possible to change those icons via a theme file. If you happen to know of a gnome theme that does so, post me a url. I'll go take it apart and see if I can figure out how this was accomplished.
It turns out it was possible. Done.
Splendid :D Awesome work and thanks for making it Gnome 2.20 compatible :)
Yeah, the gnome 2.2 documentation didn't include anything about changing emblems in icon themes. If you want to read my rant, and solution, regarding this take a look here. http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=172687
i have tried many times....failed...i really hope you can host it somewhere else....like rapidshare
Ok, rapidshare mirror online. Use the mirror 1 download link.
links are not working.