ps. im new to inkscape...

icons included:
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
March, 20th: added Icon for dictionary & compiz & documents- & pictures-folder
Ratings & Comments
I created a thème with your Icons and my owns, you can see it here :
Great icon-pack! I love it! COuld you tell me where I can get that wallpaper in your second screenshot? Thanks! Marc
how did you manage to use custom icons for the stack folders? my stack folders show up as regular folder icons. can you tell me please? thanks
First off, Amazing theme!! I was wondering however, if it is possible for you to package this as an actual cairo-dock theme. Right now, the only way to install your icons is manually going through and changing every icon on my bar, and i think it would be a lot easier for people if you somehow packaged it as a real theme. That way, its a simple install instead of going through and changing each icon one at a time. If it seems like too much work for you, im sure someone here knows how to do it..!
I miss the installation procedure... Any hint?
You have other icons coming from the files icon. How can I do that in awn? The icons are really good. but nothing for a torrent client or file browser?
this is a feature of cairo-dock. im not much into AWM & i dont know if it supports something like this at all. well, try cairo-dock :)
I really love your icons :). They fit very nice in the elegant themes. I use the elegant mine theme so the blue ones are the ones that fit the best for me. The only problem was i wish there were more so i made about 20 other icons. They are all in blue because they are for elegant mine (you can use them on brit to). You can find them here:
hey, i love the icons!!! they are fantastic! also thanks for the blank one to create missing icons :) i made some extras, which can be found here:
I'm using these on my AWN dock. Really nice, fits the Elegant Brit theme quite nicely. Wish there were more icons tho.
Where can I find that wallpaper and what Icon theme do you use with you dock icons? Great job btw!
you can finde the wallpaper here: i converted it to .png and added a light grey-shade. i dont really get your 2nd question. this entry *is* the icon-theme ;)
I like Avant-Window-Navigator better than Cairo-dock. Luckily, it's actually possible to use these icons with AWN as well.
Cairo-Dock ?
its an OXS-like dock for linux, offering more features. you can find reps and so on here : unfortunatly its all french ;) but the configuration-menu is englisch. enjoy!
err, that means; yes, its cairo-dock. ;) sorry i got you wrong.
all in the topic, rated good :)