~Creating Faenza icons for EVERYTHING...
by tobias bernard
Official Announcement: http://tobias.bluestain.net/floss/faenza-fresh-0-2/
Have you ever installed a new, cool app and then discovered that there is no Faenza icon for it?
Probably yes.
This is why Faenza-Fresh exists. The goal of this extension set is to provide Faenza icons for anything the actual official icon pack doesn't include icons for and, if the official icon for something doesn't look good, provide a better one.
The long-term-goal is that these or similar icons get included in the official Faenza icon set, so that every application, device, action or whatever has a Faenza icon.
Faenza Fresh currently includes about 80 icons for applications, with many new icons (which Faenza doesn't include yet) such as Fontmatrix, Code::Blocks or Kompozer, but also many reworked Faenza icons such as Firefox, LibreOffice (well, not exactly; my Faenza Libreoffice icons existed before the official ones), Pidgin, Banshee or Inkscape.
1) Personal (just for you): Copy the "Faenza-Fresh"-folder into the folder /home/yourname/.icons/
System (for every user): Copy the "Faenza-Fresh"-folder into the folder /usr/share/icons/
2) After that, use "Faenza-Fresh" instead of "Faenza" as your icon theme.
3) Enjoy your new icons!
By default, if Faenza-Cupertino (the blue Faenza folders) is installed, that folders are used. if you like the official ones better, change the "Inherits" in the index.theme. Just delete "Faenza-Cupertino" in that line.
If you use Faenza-Dark, add "Faenza-Dark" to the inherits line (example: Inherits=Faenza-Dark,Faenza,Humanity,Tango,gnome,hicolor,)
If one of your favourite apps doesn't have a Faenza icon, feel free to contact me, so maybe the next version will include it

Tobias Bernard
Ratings & Comments
These are nice icons. Just like android. Top notch work.
But is there a dark variant like Faenza Dark?
Read attentively the description and you'll find how to use Faenza-Dark.
Good job! Any chance we get icons for RStudio and Texmaker?
Dope Wars! That's the icon the world is waiting for!
Thanks a lot they look really good!!
Thank you for this great icon theme. If you find some spare time, please create an icon for the Clementine player ;-)
The original Faenza icon theme already contains a very good Clementine icon. No need to create another one ;).
Can I request an icon for "Basket." It's a freeform notetaking app for kde. Probably the best notetaking app i've ever used.
awesome work!
Just wanted to stop by and say I love the update!
I appreciate you made icons for those apps missing from the main Faenza collection. If you take suggestions, I would ask for an icon for Kile. Perhaps you consider this for your future update. Nice work! Cheers
Great theme dude! Works well, not many icons changed for me, I don't use many third-party apps, the icons that did change were a drastic improvement over the normal counterparts. The only problem I have with this is, I use a very dark theme, so all the tray icons on my panel are no longer visible... Maybe you could create a version of this theme with white tray icons for people who use dark themes. Shouldn't be too hard since the normal Faenza theme already has this. Thanks for sharing!
if you use a dark theme, just open the "index.theme" file in your faenza fresh installation folder and add "Faenza-Dark" to the "inherits" line. After that it could look like this: Inherits=Faenza-Dark,Faenza,Humanity,Tango,gnome,hicolor, i'll try to provide an easier solution for this for the next release.
You replace faenza's ugly gnome-appearance-properties icon :)
do you mean the one with suit and tie? personally, i don't understand what's wrong with that icon. i think it looks pretty cool.
Can you make a "Kadu" icon for Polish users? It's the most popular chat client for Linux in Poland :) Here is the original logo: http://www.kadu.net/~max/Kadu%20OS%20X_files/Kadu-logo2_940.png
done, included, published... i hope you like it ;)
Thanks for the good work. With Unity these are almost essential imo! A better icon for Zsnes would be sweet! The current one is all blurry and ugly. Appreciate it.
i think the current faenza icon for the category "games" would be fine here. I'll see what i can do.
Could we have an icon for Anki? www.ankisrs.net
yes you could! it's already done and will be included in the next version :)
That was quick. Thank you.
could you add icons for MuseScore, Rosegarden, and Quod Libet? it'd be much appreciated. Thanks!
musescore and rosegarden will come with v0.2, quod libet maybe in a later version