Description: I used first the theme "ambiance" of lucid, and then I changed some colors with gnome-color-chooser. So first install gnome color chooser, then download sorrow.gnomecc.tar and extract it on your desktop for example. Open gnome color chooser, file -> open -> sorrow.gnomecc. You should now have my configuration. I use emerald with my personalized theme sorrow : Concerning my wallpaper : For the menu transparency you need to install compiz settings manager, go to accessibility -> opacity, and add this line : type = dock | dropdownmenu | popupmenu | tooltip My value is 75.
Hey ! Very beautiful look, I would like to use it, but I can't get the colors right. I've got your gnomecc file, but I can't find the original theme of which you changed the colors !
Thanks !
Yes that's it, I didn't know how to share all this configuration and it's the best way I found. Copy the text you get with "sorrow.gnomecc".
Install gnome-color-chooser, then
system -> preference -> gnome color chooser
file -> open -> sorrow.gnomecc
For the menu transparency, you will need compiz. In the category "accessibility" of compizconfig manager, go to opacity, "window specific settings" (or something like that, I don't have an english version) and add this :
type = dock | dropdownmenu | popupmenu | tooltip
I chose the value 75.
Ratings & Comments
Can anyone identify the font that he is using?
It look like "AvQest".
Hey ! Very beautiful look, I would like to use it, but I can't get the colors right. I've got your gnomecc file, but I can't find the original theme of which you changed the colors ! Thanks !
The first theme was "ambiance", on lucid (10.04). I am gonna try to find something simpler to get these colors.
You can try with "dust"
Yes that's it, I didn't know how to share all this configuration and it's the best way I found. Copy the text you get with "sorrow.gnomecc". Install gnome-color-chooser, then system -> preference -> gnome color chooser file -> open -> sorrow.gnomecc For the menu transparency, you will need compiz. In the category "accessibility" of compizconfig manager, go to opacity, "window specific settings" (or something like that, I don't have an english version) and add this : type = dock | dropdownmenu | popupmenu | tooltip I chose the value 75.
Very nice work, man! But, I don't know how to use either! Can you help us? Thanks in advanced.
Hey Man. Forget. I found way. Installed gnome-color-chooser and load your text file. I learn something new. Thanks. Marco from Brasil.
You come up with this very good stuff , but to a noobie , doesn't have a clue !! so please tell everyone how to use this ! THANKS !