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Available as/for:
Kajongg - the classical Mah Jongg for four players. If you are looking for the Mah Jongg solitaire please use the application KMahjongg.

Installing Kajongg on Windows

Download the installer from the link in the Files tab.

Kajongg needs the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Package.
I believe I am not allowed to include a copy in the installer.
Chances are good that you already have this installed. Otherwise
you should see a corresponding error message. You can get that
package from Microsoft here: http://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=29

Support for Windows is very new, there might be a few things missing. Still to be done:

Installing Kajongg on Linux


Kajongg is covered by the GNU GPL2 license - see COPYING.

Kajongg can be used in two different ways: Scoring a manual
game where you play as always and use Kajongg for the computation
of scores and for bookkeeping. Or you can use Kajongg to play
against any combination of other human players or computer players.

Kajongg currently comes with two rulesets for classical chinese, one
for rules in Germany and one for rules in England.
You can change many things in the rulesets at your will.
The rules for a game are saved in the database, so every
game could be played with different rules. Changing a ruleset
does not affect existing games.

You can always get the current source code from here:

git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kajongg
or see online here: https://projects.kde.org/projects/kde/kdegames/kajongg/repository

Please also visit http://kde.org/applications/games/kajongg/

If you want to send me bug reports, please either use the kajongg
menu commmand Help / Report Bug or mail me directly to the Mail
Address given in that bug reporting dialog. I will not follow links
to pages I do not trust like upload pages, shortlink services or
Last changelog:

Version 4.13 runs on Windows.

Ratings & Comments



Suggested a friend installed thin on Windows so we could play Mah Jongg, but she gets an error & crash on startup: PermissionError [Errno 13] Permission Denied 'C:\\Windows\\system32\\kajongg.log'


Workaround is to change the "start in" folder in the launch properties to C:\Temp


Please open a bug report at bugs.kde.org and fill out all fields. It will take some time until I get around to fix windows bugs, and I will only check bugs.kde.org for open issues.


Thanks for getting back so quickly, after 5 years of no comments too. I've opened a bug report, but I couldn't set the version field because 17.04 wasn't in the dropdown list. https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=436122


i downloaded kajongg but as I try to open it it pop's up a window saying cx_freeze: python error in main script. what should do?


Please open a bug report at bugs.kde.org and fill out all fields. Also describe exactly what you did. Did this happen while installing kajongg or while executing it? What were the last windows/dialogs/messages that were displayed before?


Hi! I like mah-jongg and installed this game on the latest kubuntu from the repository. Sadly this game is full of bugs. How do I report them properly? Sorry, I'm kinda new. :-) Short version: 1. Game crashed after unavoidable risky discard. 2. Didn't get doubling for matching flower&season (as west with zero point hand, got 56 points, should have been 112). 3. Game skipped discarding on 1st game of 2nd round (south), I played as east and ended up with 14/15 stones. I stopped here, because this was unplayable. :-(


Hi! I like mah-jongg and installed this game on the latest kubuntu from the repository. Sadly this game is full of bugs. How do I report them properly? Sorry, I'm kinda new. :-) Short version: 1. Game crashed after unavoidable risky discard. 2. Didn't get doubling for matching flower&season (as west with zero point hand, got 56 points, should have been 112). 3. Game skipped discarding on 1st game of 2nd round (south), I played as east and ended up with 14/15 stones. I stopped here, because this was unplayable. :-(


You can report bugs by going into the Kajongg help menu and selecting the "Report bug" command. Or you can send a E-Mail to the developer (myself), see Help/About Kajongg. That game crash has probably been fixed: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=267849 but it was a little too late for KDE 4.7.1 If you experience it again, please tell me more details. about your missing double in the zero point hand: That is a bug in the corresponding rule. You can fix that locally by copying the default ruleset and by fixing the rule in the copy. In the ruleset editor, go to the hand rules,find the rule about own flower and own season and edit the field "Definion": replace "m" by "[mMx]". this bug will be fixed in KDE 4.7.2 I wonder how you got 15 tiles. This should not be possible. I have a suspicion - maybe it is a graphical artifact. I fixed something there two weeks ago - could you please open a bug report for this one too and also try what happens with that tile when you resize the window? Also, did you check if the tile which was not discarded was really missing in the discard area, or was it visible once too much?


Oh wow, thanks for replying so fast and for fixing the bugs! :D About the third bug, I doubt it was a graphical error, I began as east wind and couldn't click anything in my first turn. Instead the game proceeded with the south wind player, so I ended up with 15 tiles after the next draw. Everything else was fine. I'll try the bug report thing. Maybe I can even reproduce the situation.


Hi, thanks for writing this game. I'd been expecting a traditional Chinese Mahjongg game for a very long time. Do you have any forum or wiki to explain this game? The flow and the scoring rule are somewhat strange to me, I'd like to understand how it calculating scores. Also, any document to explain the definition of each rule? I mean, something like "^(([wW])([eswn])){3,4}.*[mM]\3", "^([SBC][2-8])(\1\1)\b". It looks like a sendmail rule, you know. Finally, I'm a C programmer, but this game may give me more motivation to learn python :p Thanks!


Glad you like it! I am away for vacation and answering is a little inconvenient - but I am sure the help manual for kajongg should help you. Please use the latest version from svn. The help manual also explains how rules are defined. Mostly those are regular expressions. Wolfgang


Hi. svn don't work ? alex@Home64:~$ svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/games/kajongg svn: URL 'svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/playground/games/kajongg' doesn't exist


Kajongg is currently in review at: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdereview/kajongg but in the next few days it will move again - I do not yet know where.


Thanks. Where is kajongg.po now ?


in trunk/l10n-kde4/*/*/kdereview


Hi Wolfgang, thanks for your application which look really great. Sorry to bother you again about this, but I can't access to SVN repository either: C:\TEMP\pythonTests>svn co http://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/l10n-kde4/*/*/kdereview svn: Repository moved temporarily to 'http://false/?setCookie=1&contUrl=http%3a%2f%2fanonsvn.kde.org%2fhome%2fkde%2ftrunk%2fl10n-kde4%2f*%2f*%2fkdereview'; plea se relocate


yes - it moved again. It is now part of KDE4 and should be including in KDE4.5, sometime in autumn I believe. I already updated the link in the description: svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdegames/kajongg svn cat svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/l10n-kde4/XX/messages/kdegames/kajongg.po > kajongg.po where XX is the wanted language the latest version supports voices - the manual tells you where to record what and then other players can hear your discards and claims.


Hi In this kind of game by default I can think about 2 modes: host a game (human, bots, whatever..) and join a game. But let's think about a third one. Imagine a situation where you are at home and you want to play with your friends a game (with real tiles, in a table.. you know). Scoring might not be much simple, and here is where the scoring mode comes in. Common steps: - You start the game (in the computer you must set player layout and names). - Once each hand is finished you indicate all the important info, including at least: * Draw hand or there is a winner. * Win by tsumo, or ron (who pays). * Tile set for the winning hand (including open melds). * How many riichis have been declared. * Set of doras. - The game computes this data, and indicates how many points must be paid by anyone, renchan and so on, and updates the scoring and the status of the game. Of course in classic mahjong there are other inputs at the end of each hand, nevermind. In the end you have a tool to simplify the scoring in a true game, which imho doesn't seem to be very difficult to provide, but may be veeery helpful. What do you think? Regads


I must really rewrite the description. I believe what you want is already there. This is what I described as Scoring a manual game where you play as always and use Kajongg for the computation of scores and for bookkeeping. Play as always means with real people/tiles on a real table without computer. At the end you either calculate scores manually and enter them so Kajongg can make the payments between players and update a table with all results, or you tell Kajongg all it needs to know for computing the score. Or did I misunderstand you? The trick in implementing this was that I wanted to deduce as much as possible by the tiles each player has in her hand. So those rules that cannot apply to a hand are not even proposed, and if two rules exclude each other and you apply one of them, the other one's checkbox disappears from the screen.


My fault :) Regards


http://wklej.org/id/272584/ ^ pastebin service Wait, that means my KDE is too... new?


Please post the error message here or mail it to me. I do not know wklej.org and currently have no time to find out if it is trustworthy. This applies to all pastebins, uploads, shortlink services and similar. You never know when they delete the content again - and then those comments here are worthless. Just in case you are using kubuntu karmic with 4.4 backport: They have a problem with the transition from v4.6 API to v4.7 API, it is incomplete. I had to downgrade python-qt4, python-qt4-sql, python-sip4 and pyqt4-dev-tools


I don't know if I will be any help but I can translate it to Polish :).


that would be great! The best start is probably talking to the KDE polish translation team: http://l10n.kde.org/team-infos.php?teamcode=pl

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