Description: This card set is a Bavarian card deck. With numbers 5, 4, 3 and 2 added. Those are very uncommon for a Bavarian card deck, but were added so that all KDE games can be played with this deck. The cards are created by a small Qt C++ application, which will also be released under the GPL soon. The font used on the cards is called "Bayern" and is an old Bavarian font. The cards were mainly created for the upcoming game "SchafKopf" which needs a Bavarian card deck.
To install a carddeck, download the tarball and extract it to $HOME/.kde/share/apps/carddecks or to $KDEDIR/share/apps/carddecks. The carddeck should be available to all your KDE cardgames now.
does anyone know something about this "upcoming Schafkopf" game? I'd be very happy to see this game integrated in KDE.
Is there any pre release version yet?
I am one of the developers of SchafKopf. We have already some code in CVS, but it is not playable, yet. We will do a prerelease as soon as one can play a little bit with it and the basics are working.
CU Dom
Sure! Of course there will be an AI :). That's the point why it takes a little bit longer to get finished, as an SchafKopf AI is not the easiest one to write, but there will be definitly one available.
CU Dom
They are German ones!
Das sind "Deutsche Karten", Deutsche spielen meistens mit französischen Karten.
Im übrigen denke ich dass man das nicht übersetzen sollte.
Ratings & Comments
Hi, does anyone know something about this "upcoming Schafkopf" game? I'd be very happy to see this game integrated in KDE. Is there any pre release version yet? Thanks. Tom
Hi, I am one of the developers of SchafKopf. We have already some code in CVS, but it is not playable, yet. We will do a prerelease as soon as one can play a little bit with it and the basics are working. CU Dom
With an AI?? :-)
Sure! Of course there will be an AI :). That's the point why it takes a little bit longer to get finished, as an SchafKopf AI is not the easiest one to write, but there will be definitly one available. CU Dom
They are German ones! Das sind "Deutsche Karten", Deutsche spielen meistens mit französischen Karten. Im übrigen denke ich dass man das nicht übersetzen sollte.