Ultimate Pokerclock
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
Description:I didn't know about that when i started my clock. Hope you like it...
Maybe the English Translation has some mistakes. Please inform me about that.
Feel free to ask for changes and report problems and bugs.
Most of the Icons are from Crstal Clear, designed by Everaldo: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Crystal+Clear?content=25668
- Everaldo for the great Icons
- Xes for his great pokerclock
- Qt for the amazing developement tools and great documentation!
- Choose player for sound
QT 4.2
aplay (for sound)
qmake (from qt4, in ubuntu it's qmake-qt4)
as root: make install
Configure Fonts, Backgrounds and Sounds
Export and import your configurations
Translated to English and German
- Chips image changed
- Play sound in random order
- Activate Deactivate Beep
- Screenshots updated
- Theres a background in the artwork folder (Screenshot 2)
- Made a Logo
- Some Refactoring
- Show chip race
- Font setup updated
- About Ultimate Pokerclock implemented
Ratings & Comments
I'm the pokerclock coder (http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/PokerClock?content=53910). The first screenshot with the tool bar on the left has the look of my software. ;-) And there are some pictures that I've created on inkscape. :D
Yes you are right... i took some artwork of your good pokerclock. I thought it is ok because your software is under the gpl. If it isn't i will delete it of course. The critic of the sidebar i can't really understand. It has not the same functions as your sidebar. It's just to show information nothing more. Your sidebar is for configuration, information and start, pause the clock. So I think the approach is rather different. When i started with my clock i didn't know about your clock. Like two days after starting with the clock i saw yours. Of course it influenced me...
Don't be afraid because there isn't really a critic. That's poker ;-)