Description: GeldRau$$$ch (which means MoneyRu$$$ch in german - even if it is usually "Goldrush") is a quiz game for linux. It is very simple. Enter your name, answer questions, win 1 Billion virtual money. There is a small roboter guiding you through the game. You can also add your own questions. Right now it is available in german only. As soon as I have figured out how to make programs with glade-GUI multilingual I will translate the program to english and french as well.
If you would like to help you could send me new questions for the game, in which ever language you like. Just try to use this layout:
The first part of the string should be self-explaining. 2 is the right answer of the set, en means the language is "english" and 12 is the difficulty of 1 - 15 where 1 is easy and 15 very hard.
Future: * more languages * deb-Package * Windows-Version (waiting for pyGOBject for Windows) * Jokers
HOW TO INSTALL: Well, it hasn't a realy right now, though the structure is there. I guesss I will add it in the next release. For now you can simply do the following:
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