Description: For New Ubuntu Clock: I used this theme for a base: I changed the file clock_marks.svg with the same file from theme4linux-universe,rasterise(can't spell it right sorry I'm not a native english writer) it to fit the new theme and then lowered opacity levels of all arrows(hour,minute,second). For New Ubuntu Clock Version 0: Also removed all outlines around the clock. For New Ubuntu Clock Version 1: Removed only the first grey outline around the clock(the one on the file clock-face.svg). ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- All changes have been made with inkscape.Most of the credits goes to the authors of the both themes i used. Installing if you have downloaded versions separately: Just extract the tar.gz file in: /usr/share/screenlets/Clock/themes as root and selected it from: ClockScreenlet-->Properties-->Themes-->New-Ubuntu-Clock or New-Ubuntu-Clock-V0 or New-Ubuntu-Clock-V1(depending on which version you like most). Installing if you have downloaded versions together: extract the tar.gz file in: /usr/share/screenlets/Clock/themes as root.A 3 new archive files will appear.Extract them too.Now you can selected them from: ClockScreenlet-->Properties-->Themes-->New-Ubuntu-Clock or New-Ubuntu-Clock-V0 or New-Ubuntu-Clock-V1(depending on which version you like most). P.S.Sorry For the stupid screenshot,but I was too lazy to use GIMP,so I used KolourPaint and the screenshot didn't became perfect,so the clock looks way better than in the screenshot. And sorry for putting mirrors only to UbuntuOne,now created a mirror to 4shared,which contains all the three versions in one archive. EnJoY! By GnomaS&TrolaS!Last changelog:
1.0 First Release 1.1 Second Release-added two more versions: Version 0-Without any outline. Version 1-With less and lighter outline then in the version of initial release.
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