Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
* Modify and Redistribute any way you like. Just give credit were credit is due.
* Two new clocks, tell me what you think. Last changelog:
* Two new clocks, tell me what you think.
* Changed Clock Hands, tried my best to to center the dots.
* Red dot has been centered on the white one's more.
* Forgive me for being a total inkscape n00b
Ratings & Comments
There is a separate category for cairo clocks. Please consider moving your theme there.
Thanks for your comment, I'm a total inkscape noob so my art is kind of hackish right now, hope I get better. By the way I like your TurboClockLime.
You have a pretty original idea with the seconds here. Though I believe you are holding it back for the following reasons: 1. Try and create a better hour handle, minute handle, or modofy these ones so the y look on the same axis. Now they don't look nice as they are apart, try using the grid for that. 2. Your second's dot's need some centering too, again the grid will help you do the job. I don't mean to offend you by any way with this comment, I just hope to give some usefull feedback.
That a very original idea you implemented for the second-"hand"! I've never thought about something like this yet. Two thumbs up from me! Best regards... MacSlow
Thanks for your comment MacSlow.