Fibra de carbon
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Available as/for:
abrir nautilus
editar/fondos y emblemas
añadir un patron nuevo
seleccionar archivo
arrastrar el fondo ya instalado hacia el panel izquierdo.
nota. solo funciona en modo informacion
For the lateral panel.
1. open nautilus
2. Edit/preferences
3.add a patern
4. Select the file
5. when pattern its added drag over the lateral panel
its all.
note. only for the information option(panel)
sorry for my poor english
menos luz, un poco mas obscuro, mas redonditos, mejor contraste de letras y mejor si cambian sus fuentes a blancas en el panel...
more black -ligth, more rounded, better contrast font, change a withe font (only panel, see screebshot)
Ratings & Comments
I did vote bad cause it's ugly, you can't read anything with this. Look at your sreenshot, I tried to read, now my eyes are bleeding. Try to make something more simple, like a gradient, for example.
tks, change done, more black and better font contrast, tks again