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Ratings & Comments
If I may be as bold as to break everybody's harmony; what exactly makes the distro that converts more and more Windows/Mac/Whatever users over to Linux than any other distro, evil? If this is supposed to be a joke then I'm sorry, I don't get it. Not saying that I dislike other distro's, I like Linux in general, I'm just tired of people trashing other distro's just because they don't use it themselves, it's like you think you're being rebellious for not liking the distro 'cause it's popular, but the fact is that you're just making yourself look dumb. One of the best things about Linux is the community, what's gonna happen if its users start fighting over which distro is best, or DE or whatever? It'll fall apart, that's what. Sorry for writing a book length of crap, I'm just sick of stupid stuff.
Ubuntu is by far the best Linux distro I have ever used. You people just dislike it because it doesn't suck balls like most of the other garbage out there.
Indeed what you've concluded from your inherently limited experience on this planet should be forced upon us all! ... Admittedly though, "things that suck balls" is my favorite late-night jeopardy category ;)
some one who tell the truth! L.O.L
Lol! (I get the reference. If others did, they would not vote this down, don't feel bad) This is funny.
You should've used the fat bald guy.