Karuna OS Logo
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
This now contains the whole set of files including the .png clock face. ..again I'm sorry for uploading incomplete stuff.
I'm sorry I tar the wrong files. Here's the real thing.
centered the clock face a bit.
Ratings & Comments
There is a separate category for cairo clocks. Please consider moving your theme there.
That is a nice clock man, I love it.
Or you could just embed the images, if there bitmaps.
Yup! ...sorry about that. ..I didn't noticed that the clock-face is not included in it. ...It's fixed now. ...Thanks.
Hay, I like the clock but you forgot to add the linked images.
Oh a little feedback, I haven't seen the real thing yet (I am away from home) but I can tell the Rim needs a little centering, as it is going a little more to the bottom. Try using the Grid to be sure it is centered.
Thanks a lot!. ..Rim centering done.
Hi m8, great edit, I like what you 've done of it really! It is different and I nice the car realation, and I shouldn't forget to metnion I really apreaciate your credit, though I should mention that version of the clock isn't entirelly made from me.