Description: amsn svn 11034 version with farsight2 plugin included (audio/video call plugin). Compiled on ubuntu intrepid 8.10 Required tcl8.5 and tk8.5 (install it through synaptic) Required libnice (thanks to intilinux) libv4l (thanks to raoul) farsight2 (thanks to Gustavo A.Diaz)
This has strictly NOTHING to do with
What do you think this place would be if every dev was announcing he compiled the svn version of the app he's developing ?
If you wanna advertise amsn here, why not give it a decent gtk interface instead ?
ok man sorry for posting it, i don't wanna advertise amsn and i'm not an amsn developer...I thought i was doing a favor to some people like ubuntu newbie
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This has strictly NOTHING to do with What do you think this place would be if every dev was announcing he compiled the svn version of the app he's developing ? If you wanna advertise amsn here, why not give it a decent gtk interface instead ?
ok man sorry for posting it, i don't wanna advertise amsn and i'm not an amsn developer...I thought i was doing a favor to some people like ubuntu newbie