conky xubuntu
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
moon and sun conky more info on: http://crunchbang.org/
flat weather conky here: http://browse.deviantart.com/?qh=§ion=&global=1&q=pabloferz#/d3fwysv
plain weather icons ~MerlinTheRed here: http://merlinthered.deviantart.com/art/plain-weather-icons-157162192
more for moon file info here: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?pid=7952561#p7952561
http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/conky-all conky-all
http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/imagemagick imagemagick
http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/liblua5.1-0-dev lua 5.1
http://apt.ubuntu.com/p/curl curl
Flat conky
The size of the icon changes to fit the font size, so if you change the font size, the icon size should change automatically. However, you might also modify only the icon size or both the font size and the icon size.
To change the font size you have to use the -s option (note that the 's' is lower-case) on the conkyrc line where the script is executed. For example:
${execpi 60 ~/.conky/Flat-Weather/weather.sh -p "City" -i "LOCID" -s 9}
changes the font to size 9 and the icon to accordingly.
If you use instead -S (upper-case)
${execpi 60 ~/.conky/Flat-Weather/weather.sh -p "City" -i "LOCID" -S 28}
it changes leaves the font size to the default (12) and changes the icon size to 28.
You can use both options and change separately the font size and the icon size.
resolution - 1920 x 1080
sudo chmod +x c_10
in .conky folder: sudo chmod +x astro_neo.sh gmail.py get_moon_earth.sh im_big.sh im_little.sh imagesat-couvnuage.sh ip.sh square_to_round.lua sun.lua transmission
in .conky/scripts folder: sudo chmod +x meteo.cfg meteo.lua
in .conky/Flat-Weather folder: sudo chmod +x weather.sh weather_c.sh weather_t.sh weather_u.sh weather_w.sh
first of all install: hdd, lm-sensors, vnstat, curl, lua 5.1, imagemagick,
for vnstat do this:
- "sudo vnstat -u -i ppp0 eth0 wlan0" to read database
- in conky before the TEXT put these two lignes:
short_units yes
pad_percents 2
v.11 - Release (09/01/2013) -
* "moon" and "earth" included in "sun" conky
v.10 - Release (07/01/2013) -
* "moon" included in "sun" conky
v.09 - Release (06/01/2013) -
* some changes
* moon conky exemple // changed
* earth weather conky exemple
v.08 - Release (04/01/2013) -
* some changes
* moon conky exemple
* flat weather conky pabloferz
in meteo.cfg change:
#Copier votre adresse Accuweather ici
v.07 - Release (04/01/2013) -
* some changes
* moon conky exemple will come soon
* flat weather conky pabloferz
(changed colors and icons)
v.06 - Release (02/01/2013) -
* flat weather conky pabloferz
(changed colors and icons)
v.05 - Release (01/01/2013) -
* changed colors in source_rgba:
cairo_set_source_rgba (cr,0.1,0.1,0.1,0.5);
v.04 - Release (30/12/2012) -
* vnstat eth0 wlan0 ppp0
* amixer
* sun and moon position
v.03 - Release (16/12/2012) -
* changed ppp0 ip configuration
* loadaverage
* todo
v.02 - Release (13/12/2012) -
* rss
v.01 - Release (12/12/2012) -
* gmail
* transmission
* eth0, wlan0, ppp0 infos
* vnstat for ppp0
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