Description: Description: This is a cutting-edge conky that can monitor mobile broadband connections with a beautiful colour display!!
1- Open a Terminal (Applications-Accesories-Terminal) and type: sudo apt-get install conky-all lm-sensors.
2- Run: sudo sensors-detect (choose YES to all YES/no questions).
3- Run :service module-init-tools start This will read the changes you made to /etc/modules, and insert the new modules into the kernel.
4- Download the zip file then extract it to your home folder.
5- For Linux Mint Mate edition (But not for Cinnamon ) open /home/.conkyrc and replace “own_window_type normal” with “ own_window_type override”.
6- install "curl"
7- To configure weather i refer you to
8- Run in terminal : conky
1- Go to Startup Applications and add in the name box ”conky” and in the command box “/bin/sh /home/mint/” . Logout and login and hey presto your conky is running!
- For hddtemp run in terminal: apt-get install hddtemp reboot and then run: sudo nc localhost 763
- For Nvidia gpu temp run: apt-get install nvidia-settings
- To disable a section, add "#" at the beginning of the line(For quad/dual core processors add/remove "#" beginning of the core2,3,4 /For battery info add/remove "#" beginning of the battery line)
- To edit colours I refer you to and .
- To edit alignment use the following abbreviations: tl, tr, tm, bl, br, bm, ml, mm, mr (Which consecutively mean: top_left, top_right, top_middle, bottom_left, bottom_right, bottom_middle, middle_left, middle_middle, middle_right). You can also use gap_x ( Gap, in pixels, between right or left border of screen) and gap_y (Gap, in pixels, between top or bottom border of).
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