this is start-button which looks like vista, but..

you may use it with this theme ->
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
0.3 - same small modifications
0.2 - first public release
Ratings & Comments
The ubuntu start panel looks nice! But that style represent Vista, thats why many ppl may have voted "Bad", But I voted good because it is well done. Good job and try to make a "ubuntu-style" start panel instead.
btw, what GTK theme did you use?
thanks ;) i use aero-clone theme.. i know, that this may be bed, but it's not my guilt that i like ubuntu and vista's appearance.. if i would have any ideas how to look ubuntu button i'll try to do it ;)
bumper, I think that you are right! Windows sure isn't the best OS on earth, but I think that the aero look is very attractive! It is very good, no mater what you hear other people say ;) Besides, you don't even have the windows logo on it! Why don't you make another one with tux in it? I made one, but mine looks more like the Win $even button, not at all like this.
ubuntu should make better than vista.. :( sorry i think it's bad..
Vista? :LOL:
But not? In my opinion vista it's only AERO and DX10 ;) I like aero, but why vista's logo must be in my ubuntu desktop? ;)
How does one install this start button?
everything is written in this page http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Aero-clone?content=57352 Quote:
Place the "start-here" icon in /usr/share/icons/gnome/32x32/places
Change the gnome-panel size to 32px height