Optimized for 3 different resolutions (GRUB will stretch it if you have a widescreen monitor). So pick the one that comes closest to the highest supported resolution for GRUB. This info can be found with vbeinfo at the GRUB command line, or by installing the hwinfo package and running hwinfo --framebuffer with root privileges. Their output may be different.
To install the theme, just run the install.sh script with root in a terminal, and you will be prompted by a series of questions. A graphical method is to use Early Bird which can be found...
(You will need mono to run it)

Added Arch and Fedora icons
Ratings & Comments
Hello this cool theme! But the resolution is not compatible with my PC I have 2 questions: 1. - As I uninstall? 2. - Can make the theme as the 1366x768 resolution? Thank you ...
Do you want to remove it or just turn it off? To disable it, open up /etc/default/grub in a text editor with root (gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub for instance). Then find the line that says GRUB_THEME= and comment it out by putting this '#' in front of the line then save it. Then in a terminal use the command update-grub with root (sudo update-grub for instance). On the 1366x768 version, I'll be making that later today because my grub supports it as well (and I plan on using this one) then I'll upload it here.
thanks my friend! Solved the problem! I will wait your good work with the thema of 1366x768 resolution! I'll be very grateful if you come to develop
Well I tried to make a 1366x768 version, but Grub would move stuff around and put it in places it wasn't supposed to, and for some reason it was stretching the background image. Your best bet is to use the 1024x768 version.