Gnome Tunes
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Its looks like 70's :)
Everything but the tab headers there looks possible to me...
How would you do the rounded corners on GtkEntry, GtkTreeview, GtkNotebook? How would you do the drop shadows inside the GtkEntry? How the gradient on the backgrounds of the containers (GtkWindow, GtkNotebook, GtkOptionMenu)?
Actually, everything you mention there, including rounded corners, drop shadows, and gradients, is possible with the pixmap engine. Take a look at BVC's alien theme, which shows how powerful this engine is; I personally know that the drop shadows, roundedness, and gradients are possible (I'm the one working on the Gentle GNOME theme that Gentleman refers to, and the theme is nearing completion.) Aside from tabs, this can be done.
I would still be surprised if this were possible - to render the blur the engine would have to move the actual position of the content of the treeview, so there would have to be some feedback mechanism for the padding on a size_request. Also, to lay a gradient accross the complete GtkWindow you have to align the gradients in every container with each other (or the child containers would have to be transparent). Another problem is that the drop-down buttons of GtkSelectionBoxEntry (or whatever it was called) and GtkOptionMenu have different sizes in every theme that I saw; not sure if it is possible to assign them a new size. But I sure hope you are right.
It is possible with gtk. It might not be possible with any of the existing theme engines.