Description: To make it look like the preview you have to install "awn applets extras"
I use applets with this order: [AWN Main Menu]-[File Browser Launcher]-[Separator]-[Launcher/Taskmanager]-[Expander]-[Notification Area]-[Seperator]-[Digital Clock]. Panel offset at the advanced options has to be [0]
If you want put down the panel, at the advanced options select [Force monitor mode] and Monitor Y-offset [10]
The GTK(AWN Main Menu background) is 10101 [] The icons is faenza dark
~To make this panel i use parts from WOW gtk theme by nale12
To be honest, I think you shouldnt update just for the sake of updating. I downloaded the package and it's still the same one of yesterday.
Dont be a douchebag ridiculously seeking attention.
I'm using it now and just totally removed the gnome-panel.
Already voted up as well. It's quite sad when nobody has voted this beautiful theme up before I did. I hate those ungrateful, phlegmatic people who downloaded stuffs but never posted a comment or voted up or down.
Ratings & Comments
Yes you are right, but i only update preview image and the description and i really don't now why it's necessary to mark as updated
To be honest, I think you shouldnt update just for the sake of updating. I downloaded the package and it's still the same one of yesterday. Dont be a douchebag ridiculously seeking attention.
Very nicely done! I am still stuck on Lucido, for all but one dock (I have 4 ;), but this looks great on my other one!
Thank you!....Don't Worry, Be Happy:)
I'm using it now and just totally removed the gnome-panel. Already voted up as well. It's quite sad when nobody has voted this beautiful theme up before I did. I hate those ungrateful, phlegmatic people who downloaded stuffs but never posted a comment or voted up or down.