Description: Conky With Tap you can hide and unhide the conky by click on the shortcut ===============================
first special thanks for deny26 and iacoporosso for their great work on Minimalis Conky 1.2.1
2- right click on conky => Properties => command =>/home/samiuvic/.conky/pop then change samiuvic to your username.
3- install the conky_symbols_by_wiltur-d3ij3mi font .
4- open rc3 with any editor.. and go to line 59 "u" is the distribution logo change it to your distro.
5- go to line 60 change "Linux Mint" to what ever you want.
6- if you have CPU with 2 cores add # in the beginning of line 68 and 69 .. if you have 4 Cores CPU don't change any thing .. and if you have more than 4 cores just add it.
7- from line 92 to 102 modify your HDD just name and directory .
8- Lines 104 ,105 and 106 if you are using ethernet don't change it and if you are using wireless add # in the beginning of them.
9- lines 108 to 114 if you are using wireless delete # from the beginning of lines and if you are using ethernet don't change any thing.
10- save file.
Run conky from the shortcut
============================== =sorry for may poor english = ==============================Last changelog:
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