This is my version of HTC Home clone for those who can't use the Conky Weather Forecast Script by kaivalagi.
It uses the Accuweather Script by TeoBigusGeekus ( instead.
To install just move or copy the ".Conky" hidden folder to you user folder.
Go to type in your location and press enter. If your location is found and you can see a forecast, copy and keep the web address somewhere.
Put the hidden folder ".Conky" in your user folder!
Don't forget to install the fonts!!!
Open the script ".Conky/htc_home/accuweather/accuw_script" with your favourite text editor and replace my location's address at the "adress=" with yours (taken from
To put conky to start with the system go to "startup applications" and add in the "command" the file ".Conky/htc_home/"
- Updated Accuweather script. - Now it works again. - Thanks to TeoBigusGeekus.
I saw on deviant art where someone had customized it the original to have sys info on it as well in a third panel below the forecast panel he however did not upload his config files I like this feature could it be easily added in don't really know how to do the config.
The Accuweather scripts are beeing updated. I will update the conky as soon the scripts become ready.
For more info go to "".
Ratings & Comments
I saw on deviant art where someone had customized it the original to have sys info on it as well in a third panel below the forecast panel he however did not upload his config files I like this feature could it be easily added in don't really know how to do the config.
it complains about missing files: 21.png and cc.png...
I found it... it doesn't take german language link...
Where are those??
everything is working fine again, thx.
The Accuweather scripts are beeing updated. I will update the conky as soon the scripts become ready. For more info go to "".
No forecast ???
It looks like Accuweather has changed their Website, forecast isn't working anymore ...
After installing all fonts, everything's looks like it should be. Great :)
But I've got one question, which fonts are to install? Thx.
There's a folder caled 'fonts' inside the '.Conky' folder. Just install them all.