##### Gnome-brave custom extras#######
Custom extras are for gnome brave (since there are blue folders in some images)
Added some Wicd, Synaptic, Mplayer (Shiki Theme), Icedove, Iceweasel, Firefox, Isomaster, GDM theme and maybe some other icons... I Dont remember

##### Gnome-colors-patch script ########
How does this script works? Well it will link many gnome-colors icons into new icons. Just open script and change
into your gnome-colors set (if you use wise then yo will use: icons="/usr/share/icons/gnome-wise" etc.)
Just start script (as superuser) and it will patch the default set.
I must mention that i use this script for Zenwalk 6.0 and it covers ALL default icons and many Dreamlinux icons. As for Xubuntu i t covers all default xubuntu icons.
If you want to gnome-colors covers ALMOST all system application icons you will have to paste next thing in terminal (as superuser):
cd /usr/share/applications
for f in *; do
original=`cat $f | grep -w "Icon=*" | tr "=" " " | tr "/" " "`
change=`echo ${original##* } > ./temp`
sed -i '/Icon=*/d' $f
echo "Icon=`cat ./temp`" >> $f
rm -f ./temp; done
It will replace all custom Icon paths in /usr/share/applications with regular icon name.
Icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/geany.xpm will become Icon=geany.xpm
######## Gnome patch script ##########
It patches gnome icon set and creates some new icons. Usefull for full support with gnome-colors set

Just start script as superuser

######## TEST icons script ##########
I uploaded my test-icons script that is usefull for icon testing. It will create many empty files with extensions in ~/test-icons ! Just start script and go to ~/test-icons. There you can see how good is icon set that is curentlly active on your pc. With gnome-colors-patch and gnome-patch you get some extra iso icons (cue), Backup icons (bak and *.~), calendar, flash vide icon (flv)...
####### Build wicd icons ########
Script for creating wicd icons. You will need 4 icons for this patch: "bad-signal.png", "low-signal.png", "good-signal.png" and "high-signal.png". Just copy those 4 icons into some dir and put this script in that dir (with thoose icons). Start script as regular user.
Copy created icons to /usr/share/pixmaps/wicd
NOTE: This script will create all icons but icons for no-signal, wicd, wired and other PNGs you will have to provide by yourself

Ratings & Comments
all my icons are gone. how do i reverse this? my firefox icon is even gone
I like the theme you are using, can you tell me which gtk and metacity themes are those? Thanks!
gtk2: Murrine StudioLooks openbox theme: Tango Sorry, there are no metacity on screen :) I Used openbox when i posted picture.
Please, don't tell the newbies to use sudo/su where its not necessary. Using superuser-privileges in your home-directory makes no sense, as you are fully privileged and may change whatever you like. The second you leave your home-directory, you need to to elevate your privileges, as long as you know what you're doing. Don't take it the wrong way and just consider this as a recommendation. You'll save yourself a lot of trouble, once you fully acknoledge the strict differentation of users and super-users on unix-like systems. Just unzip the downloaded archive into your .icons-directory and it'll be just fine.
I can't find an edit-button, sorry for two postings after another. I just took a look at your file and I think I know why you suggest using root-privileges. Instead of upload a part of your icons in /usr/share, you should consider creating an index-file (it's a normal text-file) containing the links to your icons and their sizes, then put it together to install them into /home/$user/.icons.