Download link should be correct now!!!OpenOffice Splash to match Meliae Icon Theme. Installation instructions provided.However instructions are reported here:First I guess to rename the original images:cd /usr/lib/openoffice/program/sudo mv openabout_ubuntu_sun.bmp openabout_ubuntu_sun-orig.bmpsudo mv openintro_ubuntu_sun.bmp openintro_ubuntu_sun-orig.bmpfrom the folder you uncompress the downloaded file:sudo cp openabout_ubuntu_sun.bmp /usr/lib/openoffice/program/openabout_ubuntu_sun.bmpsudo cp openintro_ubuntu_sun.bmp /usr/lib/openoffice/program/openintro_ubuntu_sun.bmpThe last step: modify the file sofficerc (found in /etc/openoffice/)cd /etc/openoffice/sudo gedit sofficercin this way:[Bootstrap]HideEula=1Logo=1ProgressBarColor=240,240,240ProgressFrameColor=220,220,220ProgressPosition=14,260ProgressSize=412,7That's all!
Ratings & Comments
um, the link is wrong. i was wondering why it was 14 mb, then i extracted it and u linked the icon theme. can u fix the link, pls, it looks great!
The download link is now correct!!! Sorry for the mistake!!!
thanks, it's great!
absolutely wonderful!