1. Open a terminal and run: sudo apt-get install conky
2. Extract downloaded file to /home/YOURNAME/ so it should look like this: /home/YOURNAME/.conkytheme/
3. In folder included script to start theme, You can add it to autostart.
1. Otwórz terminal i wpisz: sudo apt-get install conky
2.Wypakuj pobrany plik do /home/TWOJANAZWA/ powinno to wygladać mniej więcej tak: /home/TWOJANAZWA/.conkytheme/
3. W folderze zamieściłem skrypt do uruchomienia programu, możesz go dodać do autostartu.
#Veoduendes, author of original theme.
#Someone who gave the python script for getting ip

Ratings & Comments
Boy thats a nice wallpaper there....
Would it be possible for you to share the wallpaper, please?
Sorry for so big delay, but here's the wallpaper: !!!It's not my work!!!
What themes are you using? It looks awesome! Can you tell me the icon/metacity(Or Emerald)/GTK/Cursor theme your using please?!
Thanks man;) Themes I'm using: #gtk- ffuu #metacity- Zuki (really good theme) #icons- Bloo-icon (it was included in some other theme i think) #cursor- Ecliz