ScmManager for CF, AWN, screenlets..
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
(with git by ex. or compiz fusion By EX...).
It can for a lot of repo:
* create a directory by repo
* update a directory by repo
* clean a directory
* install (type : ./autogen.sh make sudo make install)
* uninstall
It stopped with any error.
This program included many *_scm.properties by group program.
Launch (with sun jre 1.6 is preferred for feisty and 1.7 for gutsy):
sudo apt-get install git gitcore java-jre java-plugin subversion bzr scons
sudo update-alternatives --config java
sudo java -cp scm-pluviotor-0.5.jar ScmManagerByPluviotor
Check are auto also with gui :
* The first time: create, install
* After: update ,clean , install
force update are unchecked in group table to install quickly if no update.
Compiz-Fusion work with gutsy with new nvidia driver (script envy).
install package for fusion with:
sudo apt-get install libxcb-xlib0 libxcb-xlib0-dev
python-pyrex python-dev
sudo apt-get install x11proto-scrnsaver-dev libxss-dev
look "info" column, and "apt column" for other program...
10-09-07 0.1: Create in one day...
11-09-07 : Bug resolve (create by repo) check are in auto (create or update)
17-09-07 : Look Gtk, Threads and Smiley's!
19-09-07 : Bug resolve (multiple start), rename repo_git.properties in repo_scm.properties.
20-09-07 : add Tootips info command (see the screenshot) on icon mouse over.
23-09-07 : mini-bug resolve for error icon and refresh.
29-09-07 : Big update, table with group of scm (scm file by groupe, syntax less)
with force option unchecked to update quickly (no install if repo is already update git and bazaar)-->cool smiley.
03-10-07 :stable version with screenlet, awn-extras!!
3-11-07 : popup message in systray command result in panel (amsn+little games with wormux, mario secret..)
directory script change:
--Desktop -- + fusion
.............+ fusion-plugin-add
.............+ awn
.............+ ...
--Games -- + wormux
.............+ mario-secret-chronicle
--Net -- + Amsn
Warning update :source directory is not the same. Install this in a new directory.
15-11-07 : add uninstall check and right click for easy check/uncheck selection.
(new fusion plugins).
Ratings & Comments
can you add support for screenlets please
hmm, I don't find scm (cvs,svn) for screenlets. I can't add properly this in version. But you can try (add in repo_scm.properties)
20.repo.create=mkdir screenlets-0.0.10 && wget
20.repo.update=mkdir screenlets-0.0.10 && wget http://hendrik.kaju.pri.ee/screenlets/failid/screenlets-0.0.10.tar.bz2
20.clean=cd screenlets-0.0.10 && sudo make clean
20.command=tar -xvf screenlets-0.0.10.tar.bz2 screenlets-0.0.10 && cd screenlets-0.0.10 && sudo make install
check only create and install (clean don't run, script screenlet error).
forget this, it's not the goal without repo (svn git or cvs)...
I found the bazaar repo! create this file named "4_screenlets_scm.properties" Quote:
1.repo=http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~screenlets-dev/screenlets/trunk screenlets
1.clean=sudo make clean
1.command=python setup.py install
Easy to use ;)