Ambiance Window Buttons Theme
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
To install, download the tar.gz, unpack and copy the folders contained within to /usr/share/windowbuttons/themes/. You require superuser permissions to write to that folder - e.g. via:
gksu nautilus
The screenshots show it combined with Globalmenu. It works best on a dark panel background (default in the Ambiance GTK theme).
Screenshot 1+2 show the default Ambiance theme and screenshot 3 shows the newly added Ambiance Soft theme.
Here is where you can get Window Buttons: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Window+Applets?content=103732
0.4 - Added Ambiance Soft theme with darker clicked-states for all buttons. All credit for this goes to Cierreics. See http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php?content=124622
0.3 - Changed the buttons' clicked-state color to be identical to the one in the original Ambiance Metacity theme
(Thanks to uni4dfx for the hint!)
0.2 - Fixed incorrectly colored close-button on hover
0.1 - Initial release
Ratings & Comments
This is excellent! Do you know of or have you made one of these for Radiance as well? There is a slight difference, and this has a dark ring around the buttons on my Radiance panel. Would be much appreciated.
It has been created by someone else: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Light+themes+for+Window+Applets?content=124622 Hope it is what you are looking for!
My apologies to those of you who tried to download version 0.4 in the last couple of minutes: Gnome-Look is apparently unable to overwrite the old tar.gz of the theme. I now compressed the themes into a ZIP-archive & re-uploaded them. That seems to have done it.
Could you make the "clicked" images darker and 'pressed' like they appear in the original Ambiance theme?
Done! Thank you for your feedback!
Don't wanna be picky, but could you make it even darker, like this: http://img269.imageshack.us/img269/6532/clickedeffect.png :)
Thank you for the screenshot! Are you certain that that the version of Ambiance metacity shown in it is actually the correct one shipped with Lucid and not a modded / altered version? I checked with the version of Ambiance I have installed on my system and made sure that version 0.3 is identical to it. Therefore, it is strange that your version of Ambiance metacity obviously differs.
Hmmm. It's probably because I'm using Ubuntu on the desktop, and you're using it on the laptop (or netbook). Ubuntu has different theme definitions for those. It looks like we'll need both versions.
Done. Download version 0.4 for both variants of the theme.
Shuttleworth said something about blending window title into the panel, so he will probably use window applet - and I hope he'll use your work =)
the color when the mouse is over the X button isn't red as the default mode...
This bug is now fixed with version 0.2. Thank you for your feedback!
I'll use it ;)