Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
-Install the fonts included:
cairott.ttf ~ PIZZADUDEBULLETS.ttf
CaviarDreams_BoldItalic.ttf HandelGotDBol.ttf
CaviarDreams_Bold.ttf HandelGotDLig.ttf
CaviarDreams_Italic.ttf marvosym.ttf
CaviarDreams.ttf MUSICELE.TTF
-Edit "conkyclima" with the code of your city simply find them in the url:
-Edit your email and password in conkyright.
-Try to use wallpapers with transparency, because the desktop background secondary color is modified by conkycenter, according to CPU temperature.
-For default language: Pt-br
copy content folder pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES to /usr/share/conkyforecast/locale
-Check installs and mark conky features in synaptic after:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conky-companions/ppa
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get build-dep conky
Save and run like conkyupdate.sh:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:conky-companions/ppa
#Fixar erros nos PPAs dos Repositorios dos pacotes:
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:lkjoel/fix404
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y fix404
sudo fix404
#Update source.list
sudo apt-get update
#compiz e conky extras
sudo apt-get install -y lineakd compiz-bcop compiz-dev build-essential libtool libglu1-mesa-dev libxss-dev libcairo2-dev git-core compizconfig-settings-manager
#Conky compiler
sudo apt-get build-dep conky
#Tweak Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-tweake.list
sudo apt-get install -y ubuntu-tweak
#Sensors for cpu, hdd...
sudo apt-get install -y lm-sensors
#Site para configurar .conkyForecast.config: http://www.weather.com/services/xmloap.html
sudo apt-get install -y conkyforecast
sudo apt-get install -y conkybanshee
sudo apt-get install -y conkyclementine
sudo apt-get install -y conkyemail
sudo apt-get install -y conkyexaile
sudo apt-get install -y conkygooglecalendar
sudo apt-get install -y conkygooglereader
sudo apt-get install -y conkyguayadeque
sudo apt-get install -y conkykeyring
sudo apt-get install -y conkymisc
sudo apt-get install -y conkypidgin
sudo apt-get install -y conkyrhythmbox
sudo apt-get install -y conkytransmission
Some PPAs dont work in Ubuntu Oneiric (11.10)!!
Package Contents:
conkycenter, conkyleft, conkyclima, conkyrght, conkyrght_PtBr,conkycenter_PtBr, EXEMPLE .conkyForecast.config Ptbr, EXEMPLE .conkyForecast.config USA
images, pt_BR, scripts, lua
conky_start, EXEMPLE .conkyForecast.config
Contents Folders:
clock_rings.lua conkycenter.lua draw_bg.lua mactux.png
conkyForecast.mo conkyForecast.po
clima conkysecurity
AVISO isc.sh symantec.sh
-Fix conkyleft
-More instrutions
Obs.: The site weather.com fail sometimes in some locations.
Bitcoins Pocket
Ratings & Comments
"Internet Safety" is not active. How to activate? I have 11.04 Ubuntu. Forecast dont work because wheather . com" is not a free service anymore.(must to replace this script or deleted). Personal suggestions: pls add pidgin script and googlereader rss feeds and make a blog for your work. :)
Just run in terminal: sudo chmod +x * inside in all folders in "scripts"
or in folder .conky using the terminal: sudo chmod +x -R *
Thank's!!! :)
first thanks for share this , i'm looking in google to change the unit from celsius to fahrenheit , can you help me please thanks ...
Find and change in conkycenter the line: temperature_unit celsius to temperature_unit fahrenheit
Oh yeahh!!! Dont forget change the arguments values of temperature!! °F = °C × 1,8 + 32 Like in: ${hwmon 0 temp 1}<=49} to ${hwmon 0 temp 1}<=120,2}
yes i do like that but i dont put the center.lua , here is my screenshot http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/685/screenshottt.png/ in here is my ./conky maybe you can help me http://paste.ubuntu.com/724826/ if you see in my screenshot in the right side the temperature is in fareheint so i dont know what wrong thanks ...
Solution for this: Just changing in conky config: conkyForecast for conkyForecast -i Resume, just put "-i" after "conkyForecast"
Solution for this: Just changing in conky config: conkyForecast for conkyForecast -i Resume, just put "-i" after "conkyForecast"
Solution for this: Just changing in conky config: conkyForecast for conkyForecast -i Resume, just put "-i" after "conkyForecast"
WTF???? My post replay 3 times???
3 Times xD ... thank you so much that help for me now work 100% nice super very nice work ....
Levei um tempinho pra descobrir como fazer tudo funcionar bacana, mas lendo e talz, consegui fazer tudo funcionar ou quase tudo. Como faço pra iniciar junto com o sistema? Como faço pra q a imagem fique mudando de cor? To usando o Ubuntu 11.10 RC , mas não consigo deixar a imagem nua, só ela, tem q colocar uma cor de fundo!
Para iniciar tudo basta executar um script como este: #!/bin/bash sleep 20 && conky -c ~/.conky/conkyrght & sleep 20 && conky -c ~/.conky/conkycenter & sleep 25 && conky -c ~/.conky/conkyleft & Salva ele como conky_start.sh. sudo chmod +x conky_start.sh e adiciona este programa em "Aplicativos de sessão" no Ubuntu. Para trocar a cor de fundo basta usar um wallpaper transparente tipo gif ou png. Testa usando o terminal o conkycenter, pois é ele que troca a cor primaria do desktop (antes altera o plano de fundo para usar duas cores verticais. A primeira tanto faz, a segunda cor não é mudada pelo script. Pode mudar ela tambem, acrescentando nele uma linha tipo esta, segundo um parametro que tu queira fornecer: ${exec gconftool-2 -t str --set /desktop/gnome/background/secondary_color "#E21B0C"}
laverson@dell:~/.conky$ conky -c conkycenter Conky: can't open '/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp2_input': No such file or directory please check your device or remove this var from Conky Conky: Error destroying thread ***** Imlib2 Developer Warning ***** : This program is calling the Imlib call: imlib_context_free(); With the parameter: context being NULL. Please fix your program.
Run via terminal conky and post here the errors: conky -c conkycenter After, try change cpu1 for cpu0; cpu2 for cpu1, in conkycenter.
And try too change: temp 1 for temp 0 temp 2 for temp 1 In conkycenter.
It worked. Thank you.
Yesssssssssssssss thank you to you for your help everything works now and I am very happy to have your conky on my computer.
I formatted my hard drive and put ubuntu 4.11 conkyblondie now works well with good layout conckycenter but still does not work and I do not understand why. I'm really sorry to bother you with my problems and I thank you for your patience. As I have suggested if you want to connect to my computer through TeamViewer there is no problem for me, just tell me how to send you my id and my passaword.
I still download TeamViewer,when finish i?l tell you. post your email, and i send my for you. The connection is very low here and i need by pass proxy, maybe dont work. just in my house after, i can connect successfully..
My email address is : capitaine944@orange.fr I installed teamviewer So when you're ok you tell me and I give you my ID and my password. again, thank you
Try install this: http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/ConkyBlondieCenter?content=145520 Check if this errors still happing.