Description: Nova Amsn Skin v0.2.1 by Enrique Ulloa (ekz) Designed to fit with Nova GTK+ Theme. Based in GuS-Arg and lyrae artwork, Original iconset by Ubitux. Suggestions to better look & feel: -To hide 'menu bar': CTRL + M -To hide 'mail notification line': Preferences -> Advanced -> Connection Based in the artwork of: -GuS-Arg: -lyrae: Nova GTK+ Theme: Last changelog: 18 years ago 0.2.1 | Added (missed) notifyoffline.png pixmap, thank you Filippo! 0.2 | Fixed smiley set. Added icons of texim, senddraw and spellchek plugins. 0.1 | First Release // Blue and lime colour schemes available.
Ratings & Comments
finally amsn begins to be not so hugly :) good job! M@ p.s. btw i'll continue using mercury and pidgin :P
how did you get wallpaper in nautilius(or what it is called)?
Open the Edit menu and choose Backgrounds and Emblems. My background :
thank you ekz
Simple and clean, i like it!!! Soon i will upload the in SVN the source files (.svg) of my skin Sapphire 2.0, so maybe you could use them to design your own icons ;) Cheers.
Gracias Gustavo, para la version 2 del skin tengo planeado diseñar mi propio set de iconos ;)
Trabajo muy limpio me agrada la idea , buen trabajo XD , solo te recuerdo que " All that you read here must be in english man". CHEERS