Germany, Deutsche Bahn (DB)

Plasma Public Transport Timetables

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This service provider works for cities in Germany and also for many other cities in Europe. Cities in Germany include trams, buses, subways, interurban trains and other trains, while cities in other countries may only include trains. Delays are rounded to five minute steps (there is currently no way to get delays with minute accuracy). A delay between zero and four minutes is not shown, five to nine minutes delay are shown as five minutes dealy and so on.
Last changelog:

2.1.4: Use route data URL as JourneyNewsUrl.
2.1.3: Fix route data for arrivals, more reliably find route data
2.1.2: Fix found route data URLs, sometimes this is needed
2.1.1: Fix route data, could wrongly add one day to all route stop departures
2.1: Fix route data for departures with different dates
2.0: Use base_hafas.js, shorter data sources, add implementations for additional data, stops by geo position
1.5: Fix dates, read from URL "train" column
1.4: Update to new script API, construct URLs in the script itself.
1.3: Date values are now correct, also if departures for a date other than today are requested. Now also recognizes inavailable delays for requests of departures that are more than two hours in the future. This allows to less often update data, because data with available delays gets updated more often.
1.2.3: Fixed, did not parse arrival timetables.
1.2.2: Changed the url for stop suggestions, which generates much less traffic, but gives more information (eg. stop weights). So stop suggestions should now work faster.
1.2.1: Added parsing of cancelled trains to the departure/arrival parser.
1.2: Ported to a scripted accessor (all features ported), added route parsing (for both departures/arrivals and journeys, multiple round trips to get data, with much information for journeys).
1.1.5: Added route parsing. The route to the destination is shown for departures/arrivals. For journeys all stops of the route from origin to destination are shown, including departures, arrivals, delays, vehicle types, transport lines and platforms.
1.1.4: Added journey news parsing.
1.1.3: Uses a new feature of the data engine (getting data in multiple round trips) to get more results when searching for journeys.
1.1.2: Fixed the raw url to get delays again (by adding "&rt=1" to the raw url, thanks to Boccaccio.
1.1.1: Added vehicle type "ferry" with icon and enabled ferry-data.
1.1: Added journey parsing. Parses departures/arrivals times and stop names/platforms, used types of vehicles, needed changes and pricing.
1.0.2: Added initial delay/"journey news" and platform parsing.
1.0.1: Fixed the rawUrl so that the results include vehicle-Type interurban train.
1.0: Initial version.

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version 2.1.4
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