Description: This file is part of the Vox Humanitatis Educational contens packages and was created for Parley. Further information on our work for Parley can be found on our website: – please contact us (e-mail addresses are on the page) for suggestions and critics and of course also if you would have fun to co-operate in the creation of further packages or improving the existing ones.
Hi, there you are right - I forgot to update all files here - will do so during the coming days. Since we have too much data we put it for now on a mercurial server - a description on how to download from there is here: - this is a momentary solution until we can provide direct download from our software to Parley. Thanks for contacting me :-)
Ratings & Comments
Hi, there you are right - I forgot to update all files here - will do so during the coming days. Since we have too much data we put it for now on a mercurial server - a description on how to download from there is here: - this is a momentary solution until we can provide direct download from our software to Parley. Thanks for contacting me :-) Sabine
There are several words (for example “Marmelade”) which miss the characters “rm”. As a result, “jam” is translated as “Maelade”.