English-Spanish vocabulary trainer
Source (link to git-repo or to original if based on someone elses unmodified work):
Word types are entered for all words. Nouns are entered with gender specific articles. Synonyms are entered where appropriate. Proposed multiple choices are entered to enhance learning experience.
Regular verbs are conjugated in present tense only.
Presently not under development any more by the author.
0.4.1 – 18th June 2013
4091 words
Added words, corrected wrong entries
0.4 – 5 April 2013
4059 words
Added words, cleaned up the file, corrected wrong entries, reorganised some of the lessons
0.3.2 – 18 Feb 2013
3930 words
Added words, cleaned up the file, corrected wrong entries, reorganised some of the lessons
Added an introduction (pdf) inside the archive.
0.3.1 – 12/07/2012
3766 words
170 forms of irregular verbs conjugated in simple past have been added. More to follow.
0.3.0 – 21.06.2012
3604 words
Irregular verbs were integrated back into this main file because I found switching between files not practical ( I used a separate file for irregular verbs before). The irregular verbs are entered in present tense.
Ratings & Comments
That is the way how this website handles parley files. They are in text format. Copy all the text into a text file and save as aprley-en-es.kvtml and open it with Parley.
Just wondering if I am doing something wrong ,I click on the link & I seem to only get some kind of a Script,so does this belong to an app,if so whats it called?
Sorry I realise now its just a Preview.