K Bud Splash
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Ratings & Comments
Just a thought, you could possibly try to use icons that are consistent with the beach theme, like shells, surfers, beach balls, Bikini clad women, or fish! I have seen an icon set around for beach themes, but no idea where to find it now. None the less, nice idea
Hey, let me know if you find it, and I'll redo this. that WOULD be cool!
I think I found some suitable icons. I will likely work on remaking this next week when I have more time. Thanksf ro the suggestion.
I look forward to the screenshots :)
I have to say that you take very good pictures. However I think your art would be more apreciated it had better digital FX. For example the edges of the icons are not matching with the background and the text is rather unexciting. If you would like I could/would help you in this. Thanks for your efforts, -PP-
I would appreciate some assistance, actually. I suppose cleaning the icons up is easy enough, if I only took the time, but as for the text...well, I just had to fsck my system because I hosed xfs trying to add fonts. I have added fonts to OOo and also to Kword, but I can't seem to add fonts to X so they work in the Gimp without causing myself trouble. I added a directory full of nice fonts to /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts, altered the fontpath with ckfontpath and did xfs restart, but then gimp wouldn't start-unable to find default font. I undid all of my changes, but still couldn't start the Gimp. Then I had further problems which were only solved by rebooting and fscking. I'm afraid I'm a bit of a newb (not to photography, though) and not having much success. I've wanted for a long time to get better fonts working in the Gimp, but I'd rather not hose my Xserver doing it. Any assistance would be deeply appreciated. My system is RH9 based K12linux.