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When I start my PC, the nvidia-Logo appears before the Login-Prompt and bevor the splash screen. That is perhaps advertising or just the sign, that the graphic card is running correctly. As long as I am the only one (perhaps beside my wife) in front of my PC, where I've installed the splash screen, it couldn't be advertising. Or would you say that I'm advertising myself? And even if I would put the monitor into the window, facing the street, how often/how long will the splash screen appear? @DaBlade: You have cleaned up you clothes, but have you also "cleaned" your car [never drive a Mercedes-Benz ;)] or your bike or even your shaver?


You people are idiots. This is exactly what's wrong with the OSS Community, and why we're refered to az "zealots". Everything has to be a political battle. You talk about corporations, yet the F/OSS zealots deny people their right to choice, and flame them everytime they pick something that isn't the popular choice of the community. If people like nVidia, fine by me. You may neglect to remember, but nVidia was one of the first, and still one of the few, that actually support Linux/BSD with drivers that actually work. And I wouldn't consider using a splash screen on your personal PC as "advertising", although that's your right if you choose to do so. I hate to break it to you, but the average joe doesn't even know what nVidia is - and the ones who do know probably already want the newest GeForce card.


Thanks! I too like this Splash and I like to support NVidia. At least they have working drivers for Linux, and those drivers are as good as those for Windows. So why shouldn't I support a company that supports Linux? There are also commercial Distros around.


While some of us vote against advertising NVidia or other corporations on our PCs the question that arises to my mind is "Are we being consistent here?" For example, any of you wear Billabong t-shirts or Nike shoes? You're advertising those corporations on your body! Just food for though... how come we pay the corporations for their product and then let them advertise on us free of charge? It's almost like we pay them to advertise on us. Go figure.


I don't wear brand clothing, my clothes are boring, mostly single colored ones, with no logos or anything. :P


Guess we're two of a kind then! It appears to me that most everyone, at least in South Africa, is happy to pay the corporations to advertise on their persons!


Yeah well, that's what 'trends' are for. Trick people into thinking they're "out" if they don't have certain things, made by certain brands, with certain models. I call it "The Corporate Shepherds", the assholes who control most people's lives via fake hypes and trends.


You look at an item in the store, it has a brand logo on it, but you decide to buy it. Are we letting them advertise? You know, companies would not put those logos on, if consumers didn't buy them. I say, hurray for big corporations. Its companies like Nvidia, MSI, Intel, AMD, etc, that makes my computer world hum.... John the mouse.


If you like Nvidia Hardware, and perfer it over others then why not have it as your splash? Also if your machine is sponsered then it could be required for sponsership. You see this alot in gaming competitions I like it


I have an nVIDIA graphics card and a motherboard, but that doesn't mean I wanna give them free advertisement real estate on my computer. As for sponsored, what do you mean by that?


yes, thats true, we shouldnt advertise on our computers for corporations like nvidia msi or microsoft, i dont support those nvidia kwindeco, or nvidia - wallpaper, sco things like that. we have to advertise to gnu things, like firefox or debian, thats my opinion.


vot zhe zh, blyad', problema: ne nravitsya - ne kachaite! sory for poor english :)


As much as I like nVIDIA graphics cards, I don't think we should advertise for them on our own computer, to us, willingly. After all, it's a corporation, and corporations (except non-profit foundations) exist for the sole purpose of making money. Look, this is tought at business schools: The Three Laws Of Businesses: First Law A corporation will do anything within it's power to earn a profit, and will not, through inaction, allow any profit to be lost. Second Law A corporation will do anything it can to stay within ethical and legal boundries, provided this does not conflict with the First Law. Third Law A corporation will do anything it can to produce a good product, provided this does not conflict with the First or Second Laws. Again, I like nVIDIA as graphics and motherboard producer, but I don't think we should advertise for it on our own computers. I'm voting bad, sorry.

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