This bootsplash makes linux look like its booting from a konsole in KDE. It is a Standard LCD (Liquid & Crystal Desktop).To install copy this (as root) to /usr/share/splashMake a backup of bootsplash-1024x768.jpgrenmame the file you downloaded to bootsplash-1024x768.jpgEdit bootsplash-1024x768.cfg and add this informationtx=100ty=225tw=840th=395edit /etc/lilo.conf and make sure the vga option is 791.then run mk_initrdthen liloIve tested this on Suse 8.0 but it should run on other distros that support bootsplashes.
Ratings & Comments
Cool idea..
Does anybody know if it is possible to get the bootsplash working on redhat linux?
I remember seeing a download for the splash screen awhile back. Just do a seach and you should find it.
...REALLY eerie. Nice though